Topic: Contributor tag category usage and guidelines discussion

Posted under General

Recently, thanks to our very own Donovan_DMC (make sure to give him many pets), we've got a new tag category for contributors. So now it's time to discuss how to use this category, who goes in there, formatting, and all that fun stuff.

Who gets a contributor tag?

As of right now we're allowing these two types of contributors to be tagged (feel free to discuss more potential contributors to tag in this post):

  • Voice actors
  • Character modelers - only character modelers, do not tag the name of the character being modeled, just the modeler.

The primary artist(s) of a piece SHOULD NOT be tagged with any contributor tags.


We'd like to have a standardized format for these tags to prevent issues of ambiguity in the future. So when making a contributor tag, please add the suffix that describes the tag:

  • Voice actors - name_(va)
  • Character modelers - name_(modeler) - Note the one l, to keep in line with the other American English in our tags, such as colored

The formatting of this category will be kept stricter than other categories, so please adhere to these guidelines.

Further discussion

We're currently open to discussion about this category. If you think that there should be more types of contributors tagged, please let us know, and give us a reason why they should be tagged.

Creating new contributor tags

Like other tags, you can create a new contributor tag by prefixing it with cont:, contrib:, or contributor: when adding it to its first post. For an already created tag, you can edit the tag type on the tag's wiki page using the secondary navbar's "Edit Tag Type" link.

Updated by Donovan DMC

For character modelers, does that include people who edit an existing model? Or is it solely for the original creator?

tarrgon said:

  • Character modelers - only character modelers, do not tag the name of the character being modeled, just the modeler.

Confusing language, does that tell me to not tag a character, or to not create a separate tag specifically for a model? Or something else?

waydence said:
Confusing language, does that tell me to not tag a character, or to not create a separate tag specifically for a model? Or something else?

Tag the character the model portrays, like you normally would. Then add the name of the modeler themselves as a contributor.

So let's say person made a fnaf Roxy model, you would tag roxanne_wolf and person_(modeler), the two tags are separate.

tarrgon said:
Tag the character the model portrays, like you normally would. Then add the name of the modeler themselves as a contributor.

So let's say person made a fnaf Roxy model, you would tag roxanne_wolf and person_(modeler), the two tags are separate.

aka do not duplicate existing character tags for each person's model of that character

tarrgon said:
(feel free to discuss more potential contributors to tag in this post):

How about animators? People like jasonafex have been sitting comfortably in the artist category for years now despite the fact they're not doing any of the art, just making it wiggle about.

faucet said:
How about animators? People like jasonafex have been sitting comfortably in the artist category for years now despite the fact they're not doing any of the art, just making it wiggle about.

Might be the other way around actually.
If the creator of a 3d model counts as contributor, and the animator of a 3d model counts as artist.
Then, following that logic, the creator of original 2d drawing would become contributor, while the wiggle-abouter becomes the artist.
To be clear, I think this wouldn't make sense either way.

faucet said:
How about animators? People like jasonafex have been sitting comfortably in the artist category for years now despite the fact they're not doing any of the art, just making it wiggle about.

I don't think anything is changing in regards to how these are tagged. The intention of the category is to add new things we can tag, not change how things are currently tagged. I don't know enough about jasonafex to know if what they do is editing an original piece, or working with the original artist in collaboration, in which case, collaborators are tagged as artists, like they always have been.

One thing we're discussing right now, is writers. Does anyone here have any input on whether you'd find tagging writers to be useful to you? Do you have any writers in mind that you'd tag? Do you know any writers that work with multiple artists, or write for commission that other artists have used for their work? Would you search for writers if they were available? Leave us some thoughts.

What about music artists for background music in webms? Do they get tagged as Contributors now, or still remain untagged?


crocogator said:
What about music artists for background music in webms? Do they get tagged as Contributors now, or still remain untagged?

Untagged, nothing has changed there

tarrgon said:
One thing we're discussing right now, is writers. Does anyone here have any input on whether you'd find tagging writers to be useful to you? Do you have any writers in mind that you'd tag? Do you know any writers that work with multiple artists, or write for commission that other artists have used for their work? Would you search for writers if they were available? Leave us some thoughts.

This seems reasonable to me. One example I can think of is Fink, who has wrote comics with nowandlater (e.g. Afterparty and More than Curious) and pupspace (e.g. Playdate and Boy's Night. I also know there's a few writers out there that commission comics from numerous artists - though I can't remember any of their names for the life of me right now.

Should you tag contributor tags on posts whose artist is also the contributor? I can easily see why not, but I can't think of any other way to search for posts with self-voice acting alongside voice acting from others.

anicebee said:
Should you tag contributor tags on posts whose artist is also the contributor? I can easily see why not, but I can't think of any other way to search for posts with self-voice acting alongside voice acting from others.

That seems redundant.

The contributor category was added to credit people who participated in the creation of the artwork in one way or another, but weren't one of the primary artists.
The primary artist is already credited via the artist tag.

anicebee said:
Should you tag contributor tags on posts whose artist is also the contributor?

tarrgon said:
The primary artist(s) of a piece SHOULD NOT be tagged with any contributor tags.

if someone is both an artist and a contributor, should they have two separate tags?

e.g., ruaidri made the public model for my post, but I animated it and made the rest of the scene.

edit: nvm, didn't read the error message right and was trying to change the type of the artist tag on accident.

If someone (not a third party) contributes to a post by coloring/shading (see link provided) should they be tagged as artist, contributor, or nothing.

Also what about third party edits? They aren't taggable as artists, but what about contributors

sgtabbeyrubber said:
Would sound designers be credited as well? And how would you tag someone who did both sound and VA?

Presumably, if sound designers were to get tagged, they'd get a separate suffix. Just like if someone is both a modeler and a voice actor, and they voice the model they made in an animation that someone else made, they'd be tagged both <name>_(modeler) and <name>_(va).

snpthecat said:
If someone (not a third party) contributes to a post by coloring/shading (see link provided) should they be tagged as artist, contributor, or nothing.

Also what about third party edits? They aren't taggable as artists, but what about contributors

If a colorist works with another artist to create the finished product, that’s a collaboration and they are still tagged as artists like they usually are.

I personally think third-party editors should be tagged as contributors, but I don’t think that’s been discussed yet. We’ve often debated the problem of whether or not to tag editors, or how much of an edit is significant enough to qualify for an artist tag, so this would be an easy solution to all of that. Collaborators are artists and editors are contributors, no matter how big or small the contribution to the finished artwork is. That’s what I’d like to do.

kora_viridian said:
The only comment I have is that a tag format like joe_(voice) might be more widely understood than joe_(va). But if that ship has sailed, so be it.

I honestly would've preferred this, but I imagine it's non-negotiable at this point. Personally it also just bothers me a little when "VA" is already included in the username, resulting in a tag like gosigmus_va_(va) or lecheryamoreva_(va) which just feels redundant. On the plus side (va) keeps the tags short, but even (voice) would still be shorter than (modeler).

Following the same scheme of describing the product rather than the occupation we'd end up with joe_(model), which sounds a little weird. I'm not sure I'd like that.

At least it might prevent the modeler/modeller spelling variant issue? It's sure to become a problem at some point. It's not as simple as "this is the American way, and the other is the British way" like the OP suggests - both spellings are used in the US, modeler just happens to be the most widely used. Merriam-Webster states "or less commonly modeller", where for color it states "or chiefly British colour".

Considering that, there should probably be an automatic *_(modeller) -> *_(modeler) replacement to save the work fixing it or creating tonnes of aliases? I can't see how it would cause any harm if no tag should ever be ending with (modeller).

cinder said:
That seems redundant.

The contributor category was added to credit people who participated in the creation of the artwork in one way or another, but weren't one of the primary artists.
The primary artist is already credited via the artist tag.

Actually, I think this could be positive redundancy here.

For an example, anybody searching dogzeela_(modeler) loona_(helluva_boss)* is likely wanting to see any post that contains DogZeela's Loona model. In reality, they won't see them all because the official renders by the modeller won't be included in the results:
post #4804845 post #4858097 post #5049223

You could, of course, search for ~dogzeela_(modeler) ~dogzeela loona_(helluva_boss) - but isn't this starting to get a little unintuitive? An average user would just expect the results to come up.

I think it also removes any ambiguity. If somebody has the artist tag we know they made the render, but that doesn't tell us who made the models. We can't just assume "no contributor tags = the artist made everything" because the modeller is frequently unidentified or otherwise untagged. It also creates ambiguity in post #4912883, which has ludexus as the artist and carbiid3_(modeler) as a contributor tag. Without the context of the description (which wasn't there until I added it right now) you would immediately assume that all three models were made by carbiid3, but two of them are actually by ludexus themselves.

So far for pros I'm seeing improved searchability and less ambiguity from the data, while for the cons it's that the sidebar would look ugly with repeated tags.

* Pretend this tag query has lots of results, which it will after population.

+1 for the modeler redundancy. If an artist makes a video and voices one of the characters, they should be tagged as va even if they're already tagged as the artist, right? So the same should go for modelers.

snpthecat said:
they should be tagged as va even if they're already tagged as the artist, right?

tarrgon said:
The primary artist(s) of a piece SHOULD NOT be tagged with any contributor tags.

tarrgon said:
The primary artist(s) of a piece SHOULD NOT be tagged with any contributor tags.

but why, though?
if this is supposed to be a better way of having stuff credited why wouldn't you want to also include "redundant" voice/modeler/whatever credits for the primary artist?

dba_afish said:
but why, though?
if this is supposed to be a better way of having stuff credited why wouldn't you want to also include "redundant" voice/modeler/whatever credits for the primary artist?

The intent of the tags are to credit people who are significant contributors would otherwise not be credited normally. The artist is credited normally.

tarrgon said:
The intent of the tags are to credit people who are significant contributors would otherwise not be credited normally. The artist is credited normally.

I mean, we had the description for that already. and it'd arguably do a better job at giving credits since the deacription dosn't restrict whose credits got enumerated like this.

maybe if we're talking about cases where there's only one person who worked on something I could get it. but in cases when the primary artist is doing voices along with others or their models are included with other modelers, at the very least then it starts to feel like including them as contrib would make sense.

faucet said:
Actually, I think this could be positive redundancy here.

I agree a lot with this. a bit of redundant, sure, but it's also just clearer and more consistent. if I see a good post with a model I like that I wanna see more of, but only artist is tagged, there will be a lot of cases where the artist is actually not the modeller and the modeller just remained untagged especially in this early phase where most posts don't have the tag yet - it causes confusion and requires extra digging to find who made a model in all the many cases it's ambiguous. we dont need to keep quoting the rule of how it's "supposed to be done" as if this 1 day old feature is already set in stone with its ruling without any possible improvement.

dba_afish said:
I mean, we had the description for that already. and it'd arguably do a better job at giving credits since the deacription dosn't restrict whose credits got enumerated like this.

That had been the way we used to do things, but quite a lot of people who contributed to artwork in that way were really unhappy about not being credited in the tags.
Now, they can have it both ways. A simple credits list in the tags, and a more detailed one in the description.

cinder said:
That had been the way we used to do things, but quite a lot of people who contributed to artwork in that way were really unhappy about not being credited in the tags.
Now, they can have it both ways. A simple credits list in the tags, and a more detailed one in the description.

I still think the tags would have more functional utility if they were applied regardless of who the primary artist is. at the very least I feel like if there's at least reason to apply the primary artist's contrib tags when their contribution to the piece might otherwise be unclear.

kora_viridian said:
Maybe this goes in the bug-report thread, but I note that the "Contributor tag count" is not populating correctly on the stats page - it just has the string contributor_tags where the numeric count of such tags should be (at least as of the date of this forum post).

It could be that contributor tags are so new that it hasn't filled in yet at all, and after the next daily update of the stats page, then it will work.

That could also be related to all the other bugs with contributor tags rn which i'm sure the staff are already aware of


kora_viridian said:
Maybe this goes in the bug-report thread, but I note that the "Contributor tag count" is not populating correctly on the stats page - it just has the string contributor_tags where the numeric count of such tags should be (at least as of the date of this forum post).

It could be that contributor tags are so new that it hasn't filled in yet at all, and after the next daily update of the stats page, then it will work.

It's actually caused by an unrelated bug that broke the stats updating job.
Will be fixed in the next patch.

faucet said:
Actually, I think this could be positive redundancy here.

For an example, anybody searching dogzeela_(modeler) loona_(helluva_boss)* is likely wanting to see any post that contains DogZeela's Loona model. In reality, they won't see them all because the official renders by the modeller won't be included in the results ...

You could, of course, search for ~dogzeela_(modeler) ~dogzeela loona_(helluva_boss) - but isn't this starting to get a little unintuitive? An average user would just expect the results to come up.

So far for pros I'm seeing improved searchability and less ambiguity from the data, while for the cons it's that the sidebar would look ugly with repeated tags.

The root issue is that we sorta have to decide if these are more for just attribution, or for actual functional tagging. This site has a really powerful tagging system and its not at all weird to expect users to actually use the tags, especially if this is such a prominently displayed tag just below artist. Unlike with lore tags which are at the bottom since they are special and aren't meant to be consistent. The idea is to treat these tags like how artists are treated, and people search for artists all the time.

I don't know if something like a search alias/implication could be made. Maybe a special supertype tag, which artist and contributor tags implicate?

Thank GOD this tag category was added. It's been frustrating the hell out of me that VAs and modellers weren't allowed to be in the artist section even though they're a major part of animation.

quote]kora_viridian said:
The only comment I have is that a tag format like joe_(voice) might be more widely understood than joe_(va). But if that ship has sailed, so be it.

I don't see why it can't be changed.

faucet said:
Actually, I think this could be positive redundancy here.

For an example, anybody searching dogzeela_(modeler) loona_(helluva_boss)* is likely wanting to see any post that contains DogZeela's Loona model. In reality, they won't see them all because the official renders by the modeller won't be included in the results:
post #4804845 post #4858097 post #5049223

You could, of course, search for ~dogzeela_(modeler) ~dogzeela loona_(helluva_boss) - but isn't this starting to get a little unintuitive? An average user would just expect the results to come up.

Yeah I can already see a big problem here and I agree that there should be redundant tags.

sgtabbeyrubber said:
Would sound designers be credited as well? And how would you tag someone who did both sound and VA?

I vote we use name_(sound) or (audio)


sgtabbeyrubber said:
Would sound designers be credited as well? And how would you tag someone who did both sound and VA?

I'm thinking _(sfx) would be a good suffix. _(sound) or _(audio) like BDAnimare suggested seems a little too broad when there's a separate tag for voicing.
And definitely a separate tag if someone did both. So one would get both a name_(va) and a name_(sfx) if they did both voice work and sound design.

What if someone is both a va and modeler (but not primary artist) so they get tagged with both or na


snpthecat said:
What if someone is both a va and modeler (but not primary artist) so they get tagged with both or na

They get as many valid contributor tags as is necessary for the post

I'd like to extend my esteemed gratitude to Donovan_DMC for getting this ball rolling.

I do sound design on dozens of animation projects. while I also typically provide my voice when I can, I don't always.

With twitter being the way it is, and bluesky still having very limited options for video posting. this site would be the quickest, most straightforward way to showcase my work with Fuzzamorous, Tabuley, Brolaren, and others.

They're quick to put my name in the credits, but it's challenging to search without the tags. I also tend to hire composers from time to time to get the full experience. but I understand they want to avoid clutter.

Therefore, I propose in addition to VA contributors, I'd love one for <name>_(Audio), It would cover Sound Design, Foley, Composing, Mixing, and SFX edits all in one. Some people area already tagging me for projects I provided audio for but not voice acting, so it would clarify quite a few things and get people to more easily seek out what they're looking for.

In an ideal world I'd love to be able to post erotic audios here, but I'm more than understanding of how impractical/inappropriate that is for an image board.

Thanks again for all the hard work and proposals made to validate contributions of sound people like me to the community.

darkwitt said:
I'd like to extend my esteemed gratitude to Donovan_DMC for getting this ball rolling.

I do sound design on dozens of animation projects. while I also typically provide my voice when I can, I don't always.

With twitter being the way it is, and bluesky still having very limited options for video posting. this site would be the quickest, most straightforward way to showcase my work with Fuzzamorous, Tabuley, Brolaren, and others.

They're quick to put my name in the credits, but it's challenging to search without the tags. I also tend to hire composers from time to time to get the full experience. but I understand they want to avoid clutter.

Therefore, I propose in addition to VA contributors, I'd love one for <name>_(Audio), It would cover Sound Design, Foley, Composing, Mixing, and SFX edits all in one. Some people area already tagging me for projects I provided audio for but not voice acting, so it would clarify quite a few things and get people to more easily seek out what they're looking for.

In an ideal world I'd love to be able to post erotic audios here, but I'm more than understanding of how impractical/inappropriate that is for an image board.

Thanks again for all the hard work and proposals made to validate contributions of sound people like me to the community.

You technically could if you found an animator, but at that point it's not really just erotic audio anymore.

Hello, my name is Jl017,

I am an audio foley artist/ sound editor who has worked on some projects on e6. I am thankful that the artists that I have worked with have put my name in the creditsd and description of projects we have collabed on, but I do know that some people usually don't look there. Tags are useful ways to collect projects that certain artist have worked on, so that viewers can have a specific pool of what they are looking at. And while sites like FA and Twitter/Bluesky can be useful, e6 has a more useful way of collecting all the art AND stats together.

E6 is the most easily accesible spot to view furry art, and I would love any artist to get credits where it is due. All artists deserve that. And I am so happy VA artists now have that chance.

I would love sound artists and writers to get credit as well. For Writers they could have (WR), while audio artists, like me, could be (SFX). I hope I can have my own tag one day and get credit for the work I have done for some amazing animators. And I wish the same for all others as well.

Huzzah!! It finally happened, thank you very much to Donovan DMC for this much-needed feature, I'm so very glad and grateful that modelers and VAs will finally receive credit in tags.

jl017 said:
I would love sound artists and writers to get credit as well. For Writers they could have (WR), while audio artists, like me, could be (SFX). I hope I can have my own tag one day and get credit for the work I have done for some amazing animators. And I wish the same for all others as well.

Seconding this! I think *_(writer) would be better than *_(WR) though.

Echoing the above sentiment for a sound designer tag. Preferred format would be *_(sfx).

Should sampled voice lines count towards a voice actor tag? I believe they should. Like, if a voice line is taken from a video game and used, then the voice actor should receive credit.

heartstoppa said:
Echoing the above sentiment for a sound designer tag. Preferred format would be *_(sfx).

Should sampled voice lines count towards a voice actor tag? I believe they should. Like, if a voice line is taken from a video game and used, then the voice actor should receive credit.

That would probably create a lot, and I mean a lot of bloat. Contribution tag of "source_material_(audio_sample)" or similar, perhaps?

spe said:
If a colorist works with another artist to create the finished product, that’s a collaboration and they are still tagged as artists like they usually are.

I personally think third-party editors should be tagged as contributors, but I don’t think that’s been discussed yet. We’ve often debated the problem of whether or not to tag editors, or how much of an edit is significant enough to qualify for an artist tag, so this would be an easy solution to all of that. Collaborators are artists and editors are contributors, no matter how big or small the contribution to the finished artwork is. That’s what I’d like to do.

I realize this is probably wishful thinking, but do we have a potential timeline on when to expect a decision on this? I know from personal experience that the whole "do color edits warrant an artist tag" thing has been ongoing for years now, with tags granted and then removed multiple times. Is this something we should expect to see approved in the near future, or are we still at the "We might possibly maybe a thing at some point" stage?

huzzah~ an excellent addition, one that I've been looking forward to~

I will second redundant tagging, as it would help immensely in searchability. it'd be much more intuitive than having to search for roxanne_wolf ~person_x ~person_x_(modeler) anyways

also very much for the (sfx) and (writer) categories too

foxxxy64 said:
huzzah~ an excellent addition, one that I've been looking forward to~

I will second redundant tagging, as it would help immensely in searchability. it'd be much more intuitive than having to search for roxanne_wolf ~person_x ~person_x_(modeler) anyways

also very much for the (sfx) and (writer) categories too

I feel like (sfx) should just go towards (sound) but it's up for debate.

Seconding redundant tags too. I want to qualify that against the fact that contributors are very nearly at the top of the page, and so push down characters and general tags, so - compared to any other tags - adding any more does have a fairly big impact. Even so, redundant tags are worth it, to me, for all the reasons discussed above!

I can also get behind a unified audio-work category. I think subdividing it further might be more trouble than it is worth and that written descriptions provide the best details. But as a whole, these are meaningful and substantial contributions and should be included with the rest.

I like _(sound) for consistency w/ the sound/no_sound/sound_warning tags, but _(audio) is a fine description for the shared role too.

everybodyknowsuradog said:
Seconding redundant tags too. I want to qualify that against the fact that contributors are very nearly at the top of the page, and so push down characters and general tags, so - compared to any other tags - adding any more does have a fairly big impact. Even so, redundant tags are worth it, to me, for all the reasons discussed above!

I can also get behind a unified audio-work category. I think subdividing it further might be more trouble than it is worth and that written descriptions provide the best details. But as a whole, these are meaningful and substantial contributions and should be included with the rest.

I like _(sound) for consistency w/ the sound/no_sound/sound_warning tags, but _(audio) is a fine description for the shared role too.

I think that them being near the top is important because of their importance to the work, much like the actual artist.

snpthecat said:
Can e get a ruling on whether third party editors can get a contributor tag? Opinions on *_(tpe)

Depends. Sound? That's just name_(sound) since it's really no different than if the post had sound to begin with.

What about translators? A comic from the late 1990s that I'm currently archiving here was translated from Spanish by someone. Should they be mentioned as a contributor?

pamadan said:
What about translators? A comic from the late 1990s that I'm currently archiving here was translated from Spanish by someone. Should they be mentioned as a contributor?

Hard translated or translated by notes? If it's the latter they don't count, if it's the former that's still up in the air (and also a sub question of whether third party editors count)

Sorry if this has already been thrown out there, but what about 3rd party sound edits? Would the person count as a contrib? Of course, that opens up if they had permission from the artist.

Edit: I reread the thread and found other discussions on this, but my point on permission still stands.
