Topic: When I click "show all comments" it does absolutely nothing

Posted under General

I get that people can hide their comments, but why is there an option to show all comments if it doesn't show the hidden comments? I'm not against this is any way since I believe people should be able to hide their comments if they want, but why would this be an option if it does nothing? Is this just me?

It shows the comments that were automatically hidden because of a score of -10 or lower. You can alter this limit in your account settings.



offensvememe said:
I get that people can hide their comments, but why is there an option to show all comments if it doesn't show the hidden comments?

It does show comments that were automatically hidden as a result of a low score. But there seems to be an issue that the link to show all comments also appears if a user has elected to "delete"/hide their own comment. Basically that link appears if there's fewer visible comments compared to total comments, counting comments that the user both is and isn't allowed to see.

gattonero2001 said:
It shows the comments that were automatically hidden because of a score of -10 or lower. You can alter this limit in your account settings.

Ohhhh, that's makes more sense, I made it so that the comment threshold was like -49999 or something lol. I guess it just still shows up anyway. Thanks mate