Topic: Tag implication: horde_symbol_(warcraft) -> symbol

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


seems like a very useless tag to me, especially considering how normal glyphs like punctuation marks and Greek letters are included.

anicebee said:
symbol seems like a very useless tag to me, especially considering how normal glyphs like punctuation marks and Greek letters are included.

I'd like to argue it is somewhat useful, and punctuation marks aren't included.

wonder if we should change the name of symbol to something else, then; make it more clear that it's specifically for non-linguistic glyphs.

anicebee said:
They're listed in the wiki page.

With the note that

These are provided mainly for informational purposes. Most of these concepts should not use the symbol tag.

snpthecat said:
With the note that

These are provided mainly for informational purposes. Most of these concepts should not use the symbol tag.

I don't really get that. What makes symbol different from any visual representation of concepts, like everything on this site?

anicebee said:
I don't really get that. What makes symbol different from any visual representation of concepts, like everything on this site?

If we were to take it at face value and apply it wherever it technically fits, text would imply symbol. What is text but a symbolic representation of a sound and/or idea? V is a symbol, as much as 0, λ, , or any emoji are. There needs to be clear limits on where the tag should be applied, otherwise it becomes vague, overused, and pointless (which I get the impression it may already be, given the confusion expressed in this thread and the tag name being so generic).

watsit said:
If we were to take it at face value and apply it wherever it technically fits, text would imply symbol. What is text but a symbolic representation of a sound and/or idea? V is a symbol, as much as 0, λ, , or any emoji are. There needs to be clear limits on where the tag should be applied, otherwise it becomes vague, overused, and pointless (which I get the impression it may already be, given the confusion expressed in this thread and the tag name being so generic).

Wouldn't anything that's a metaphor/has a deeper meaning also be considered symbolic at face value? Flags or coat of arms too? Could stuff made for profile pictures count as a symbolic representation of the user of the PFP? Same with people's fursonas, or mascots? Invalidate unless if someone could come up with a definition that properly defines what the usage should be.