Topic: [REJECTED] Tag implication: shiny_eevee -> eevee

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

clawstripe said:
Perhaps I'm misremembering, but aren't shiny Pokémon aliased away to their base species? Taggers should be using shiny_pokemon instead.

Curiously, out of all the eeveelutions, only Vaporeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon have had their shiny forms aliased. In fact, I believe only some of the more popular Pokémon have theirs aliased away with some of them (Zangoose, Gardevoir) having their own wiki pages as well.

It would create a lot of tags to have a shiny_* variation of every pokemon species tag (there's over 1,000 now). Same for dynamax_*. But even if we did, we don't have different "forms" of pokemon imply each other for searchability (e.g. if someone wanted to find posts that had both a shiny and non-shiny eevee, this implication would cause a search for shiny_eevee + eevee to return results that only have shiny eevees). But since there's too many pokemon to make separate shiny tags for each one, we just have a separate shiny_pokemon tag, similar to the separate dynamax tag.

vitreousvice said:
Curiously, out of all the eeveelutions, only Vaporeon, Umbreon, and Sylveon have had their shiny forms aliased. In fact, I believe only some of the more popular Pokémon have theirs aliased away with some of them (Zangoose, Gardevoir) having their own wiki pages as well.

Presumably, because there's so many pokemon species tags, the aliases are created as-needed, when they're found to be getting used enough.

Good thing we don't have to care about the effects of aliasing shiny_* to * because the autocomplete is already borked