Topic: Tag implication: isabelle_(animal_crossing) -> shih_tzu

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Except when she's drawn as another species or someone not a shih tzu is cosplaying as her. This is why Isabelle (or any other character for that matter) doesn't imply a species.

Also, to request an implication, you'd need to hit that Request implication in the menu up top of this page.

clawstripe said:
Except when she's drawn as another species or someone not a shih tzu is cosplaying as her. This is why Isabelle (or any other character for that matter) doesn't imply a species.

Also, to request an implication, you'd need to hit that Request implication in the menu up top of this page.

Huh. I could've sworn I did. Anyway, the same logic could be applied to Krystal, but no images come up when you search "krystal -fox". I couldn't even find any images of Isabelle under those contexts when searching "isabelle_(animal_crossing) -canine". Those were all just products of inadequate tagging. Way too many for me to ever consider doing. Thank you for telling me it didn't come out as a proper implication request though. I'll just resubmit the post with that and give the exact same reason. Hopefully everything works correctly that time.

sufficient_username said:
Huh. I could've sworn I did. Anyway, the same logic could be applied to Krystal, but no images come up when you search "krystal -fox". I couldn't even find any images of Isabelle under those contexts when searching "isabelle_(animal_crossing) -canine". Those were all just products of inadequate tagging. Way too many for me to ever consider doing. Thank you for telling me it didn't come out as a proper implication request though. I'll just resubmit the post with that and give the exact same reason. Hopefully everything works correctly that time.

it's just gonna get rejected. krystal doesn't imply fox, no character implicates a species.

sufficient_username said:
Huh. I could've sworn I did. Anyway, the same logic could be applied to Krystal, but no images come up when you search "krystal -fox". I couldn't even find any images of Isabelle under those contexts when searching "isabelle_(animal_crossing) -canine". Those were all just products of inadequate tagging. Way too many for me to ever consider doing. Thank you for telling me it didn't come out as a proper implication request though. I'll just resubmit the post with that and give the exact same reason. Hopefully everything works correctly that time.

I would save the effort and not submit the implication at all if i were you

sufficient_username said:
I'll just resubmit the post with that and give the exact same reason. Hopefully everything works correctly that time.

manitka said:
it's just gonna get rejected. krystal doesn't imply fox, no character implicates a species.

snpthecat said:
I would save the effort and not submit the implication at all if i were you

Nah, let them submit it so that I could put this funny image of Isabelle.

post #4644777

sufficient_username said:
Huh. I could've sworn I did. Anyway, the same logic could be applied to Krystal, but no images come up when you search "krystal -fox". I couldn't even find any images of Isabelle under those contexts when searching "isabelle_(animal_crossing) -canine". Those were all just products of inadequate tagging. Way too many for me to ever consider doing. Thank you for telling me it didn't come out as a proper implication request though. I'll just resubmit the post with that and give the exact same reason. Hopefully everything works correctly that time.

post #4831331 post #4606618 post #3696348 post #3759874

Alternate species
post #1894982 post #778093 post #1249609