Topic: Tool: Remove allready saved images from thumbnail page

Posted under General

Hi there. I wanted to do that (title) for a long time, as I often grace through tags and keep forgetting which images I allready saved, thus needing way more time than I should, so I finally made myself a tool for it, which I dubbed Esixer.

It does the following:
- It recolors the links of allready visited images (works through css and only works if the browser knows we visited before)
- It replaces the thumbs of images you saved by looking for the ID on your computer

How that will look:

Note: will only work if e621-images are saved without changing the file name

Now, I made this tool only for myself but thought, hey, maybe someone here would like that, too, therefore this post. To be honest, I don't expect someone will.

Now, the setup is a bit complicated, but once it's done, using it is easy.
Oh, and you need Java 7 for it, but that's free anyway.

Well, not much to say anymore, beside the usual stuff of "no guarantee, no warrianty, provided as is, best intends, I'm not responsible if you fuck your computer up, bla bla bla".

Set up
First, download it from the Link below and extract it somewhere. If you don't trust me and want to compile it yourself, the source is in the package.
Edit You can pretty much ignore everything but "esixDir", which you set to the directory you save your files in.
Now you gotta start it. Best just run start.bat, but you can also go there with your terminal and use "java Esixer" to start it. You can end it again by hitting CTRL-C in its window.
After it runs, open in a tab (Don't worry, is your own computer). It will complain about not trusting the certivicate or something (because I sure as hell won't buy a real cert for such a tool) just tell your browser to permanently accept it. (technical background: it has to be https because else we get a "mixed active content" error when we try to use it on e621)
Now, in your Browser, you need to set a bookmarklet for Esixer. Just make a new Bookmark in your Bookmark bar and use the following line as the link. That line causes the JS file of Esixer to load on the current page.


Now you're all set up!

Using it
Just make sure the server runs (Third point in set up), then use your Bookmarklet on a page of e621. An easy way to test it is to open the test tag page,, download any of the images there (to the directory you set in the properties file) and then run Esixer on that page. The image you downloaded should now be replaced by the block-image of Esixer.
Note: At least here, the first time using it after (re)starting the server or having not used it for some time is vastly slower, so use it a couple times before you judge. (I suppose that's because of file system caching)

Additional notes for Noscript users
If you use noscript, you obviously have to allow scripts from (thats your own computer by the way). Also, you have to turn off ABE (Application Boundaries Enforcer) in Noscript's settings as that blocks Esixer.
