Topic: Tag Implication: 5_toes -> toes

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

ragswift said:
Implicating 5_toes -> toes.

Reason: 5 is a number greater than one implying plural.

If you ask me, I think toes is a rather pointless tag. If it doesn't get turned into "invalid_tag", 3_toes,4_toes and so on shouldn't be forgotten. A huge amount of pictures has toes in it, rendering it as useful as tagging "background" on every picture with a background.

Updated by anonymous

Plurals are bad tags, if anything the tag should be "toe"

Updated by anonymous

This tag has 5k entries, so is it just a useless clutter tag or is it being used in some way?

I think it is just a clutter tag and should be aliased to invalid

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Plurals are bad tags, if anything the tag should be "toe"

I'd disagree with this, because technically even a horse has a toe (namely the hoof itself). I think this however strengthens the argument for this tag actually ending up invalid. But there's a few more things that need addressed.

Rainbow_Dash said:
This tag has 5k entries, so is it just a useless clutter tag or is it being used in some way?

I think it is just a clutter tag and should be aliased to invalid

I think you're probably right in general that this tag could be moved to invalid.

What I had in mind specifically was avoiding stuff like say post #359050 (warning: ugchh).

On thinking about it I find it unlikely artists would include anything above 6 or 7 so I guess folks could blacklist say

mlp 5_toes
mlp 4_toes
mlp 3_toes

but they might end up blocking something they'd love which could feature might feature say Gilda (anthro or non) with the canonical number of digits in a scene with other characters just drawn say with hooves.

This might leave us with something rather unusual like a ponies_with_toes or something like that. I don't know if that'd be clear enough, but that's what occurred to me immediately.

Updated by anonymous