Topic: Splitting cub into teen and pre-teen

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Forgive me if this question has been debated before, but I feel it would be beneficial to remove the alias of teen->young, and add the additional tag of preteen. Both would imply young.

My reasoning: the wiki states: "While most cubs are quite young (4-10, in human years), the phrase cub can refer to all physically immature and legally underage characters, ranging from infants, to teenagers." and "Generally, a young character (in a submission) who would appear to be underage. While often used to describe those under the apparent age of 13, this term may also apply to those who are teenagers. Adults that look young likely should not have this tag."
But whilst very young 4-10 year olds are obviously quite distinct from teenagers, there is no straightforward way I can see of distinguishing them in searches or in blacklists.

Both teen and pre-teen can be implicated to young, so it will make no differences to existing blacklists, but the teen tag would be very useful for anyone who may want to see stuff which is only borderline cub/young under current rules, whether these are included under the tag currently is often down to personal judgement

Borderline young images such as post #387302 or post #257043 would therefore have the teen and young tag, whereas everything else which is unquestionably younger would be preteen. Both would still have the young tag for anyone who didn't trust the distinction.

The use of the teen tag should also improve the matter where people would rather that their tagging err on the side of caution, i.e this would greatly clarify where the wiki states "Adults that look young likely should not have this tag". I've seen posts where there is nothing to really imply that a cub tag is deserved, other than a guy being a bit girly, or there being a bit of a size difference, or a girl having small breasts. Being able to tag teen should keep both sides happy in cases such as these.

Updated by mrnotsosafeforwork

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
There is child tag.
So maybe equivalent of searching for teen would be young -child. Or young -child -baby. But I'm not really against dealiasing teen tag.

Ah thanks for that, never actually seen that tag used. child tag definitely seems underused, so an edit to the cub wiki to ask users to tag child where appropriate would be useful too

Updated by anonymous

To be accurate, prepubescent and post-pubescent would be the best tags.
As girls can start to develop physically well before actual teen years, and boys sometimes don't develop physically until 14 or 15.

So, a 10 year old girl can look as mature physically as a 14 year old boy.

Updated by anonymous

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