Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Actually, they're not.
Skunks are in the Mephitidae (and not Mustelidae) family, which covers skunks and stink badgers.
The only mustelid skunk is the African skunk (Ictonyx striatus) which technically isn't considered as a skunk, although it has similar markings and defense mechanisms.
Updated by anonymous
Yes. And both Mustelidae and Mephitidae are in are in the superfamily Musteloidea. Therefore, mustelids.
Though, now that I think about it, we don't generally tag at that level. So perhaps it'd be preferable to implicate them directly to mammal. Implication retracted.
Updated by anonymous
Species in the Musteloidea superfamily are referred to as musteloids, not mustelids. Mustelids only belong to the Mustelidae family. The superfamily also includes procyonids, which are certainly not mustelids.
Updated by anonymous
Noted. And as I wrote in the edit, implication retracted. I haven't exactly been keeping up with mammals, looks like that got changed almost a decade ago.
...how I loathe taxonomical changes. Learning isn't easy, but unlearning something is much harder.
Updated by anonymous