Topic: friendly or not-so-friendly art talk

Posted under Art Talk

i would really like to have some place to descuss almost anything found on the site from best pics or even personal prefrence so....uh, enjoy and COMMENT AWAY!!!!!


Peekaboo said:
Wait, there's a Art Talk category? I never knew.

Me neither.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Wait, there's a Art Talk category? I never knew.

was that sarcasm,(cant tell by text) :l

Updated by anonymous

I like finding a longtime artist here and looking through all the posts seeing how they've improved over time to be as good as they are now compared to back when they started. Darkmirage is a good example of this.

Updated by anonymous

Sollux said:
I like finding a longtime artist here and looking through all the posts seeing how they've improved over time to be as good as they are now compared to back when they started. Darkmirage is a good example of this.

agreed :) i mean take narse for example (not the best example, i know) his work has improved tremendously, i wish i were half as good.

Updated by anonymous

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