To state first off. I'm very sorry if this is not the place to be posting this but this is the only place I can think of that I will get an answer quickly and from people who actually do look at tumblr's and stuff.
Currently no one follows my tumblr and I can understand why. I'm not the best artist in the world not even close. My tumblr is lacking MAJORLY in quality because I simply can't draw the things I want to draw to create these situations.
However I've been writing for more then 3 years and I know I can write this stuff a million times better then I can draw it. But I don't know if anyone would actually follow a tumblr based entirely off text entry's. Sure they would be very descriptive and detailed. They would tell a much better story and just generally have a better feel to them. But I'm afraid people are too lazy to take the time to read the posts despite the higher level of detail provided by a written entry rather then a drawn one.
If you need an idea of what kinda tumblr it is
But that ^ being said the detail in there is not nearly what I want it to be. The speech is choppy and not what I want to put forth that is why I ask if it would be better to write my entry's with maybe and illustration to fill in things such as Colgates mark because the shape can't be easily explained.
Once more sorry if this is in the wrong place but the people here are much more likely to have a good answer then somewhere like DA that's filled with 12 year olds. So what do you think?
Should I keep drawing these incredibly quality lacking entry's.
Or should I take my time and write them out where I can be much more descriptive and fluent with my entry's.
Lastly to clarify I am NOT advertising my tumblr I'm just asking for opinions. Feel free to keep your cursor on the other side of the browser window from the follow button.