Haters. Calm down. Shut up. Deal with it. You won't get your way all the time. C.S.I. F*** them. They ruined us. Dr.Phill. He's good. He is all about acceptance. Thank god for him.
Updated by EDFDarkAngel1
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Haters. Calm down. Shut up. Deal with it. You won't get your way all the time. C.S.I. F*** them. They ruined us. Dr.Phill. He's good. He is all about acceptance. Thank god for him.
Updated by EDFDarkAngel1
Updated by anonymous
And this comes to...?
Updated by anonymous
Dr. Phil is a demon sent from the nether realm to build up a massive TV empire so that in the year of our lord two thousand fourteen he can destroy all furries and finally bring about the furpocalypse, casting our souls into the fiery depths of hell where the screams of the damned will be drowned out by eternal yiffing.
Updated by anonymous
You may be new and call it musicians intuition... but I can sense your going to royally piss off both me, and the admins off so please start making more sense K?
Updated by anonymous
this is truly the most insightful and informative thing ever to be stuff
Updated by anonymous
Obvious troll is obvious.
That being said, I feel the need to point out that Dr. Phil is an idiot who does more harm than good.
Updated by anonymous
Halite said:
Obvious troll is obvious.
Updated by anonymous