Saying when us(like humans ) And animals it wat gives up that people are animals and there combine by mammals .
Updated by Rainbow Dash
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Saying when us(like humans ) And animals it wat gives up that people are animals and there combine by mammals .
Updated by Rainbow Dash
Updated by anonymous
Esme_Belles said:
Updated by anonymous
Say that again, but in American English please.
Updated by anonymous
I smell a bestiality thread incoming by this user.
Updated by anonymous
umm.... all human are animal but not all animal are human?
Updated by anonymous
tfkcex said:
umm.... all human are animal but not all animal are human?
Updated by anonymous
Is it okay to fuck a mammal, but not a lizard?
Updated by anonymous
Seven_Twenty said:
Is it okay to fuck a mammal, but not a lizard?
i dont think it is okay to fuck anything but people.....
it is kind of the law in most places
Updated by anonymous
in the furry fandom people are animals.... WELL NO SHIT! :)
Updated by anonymous
FatherOfGray said:
Say that again, but in American English please.
British english or any other existing language would be appreciated as well.
Updated by anonymous
We already eat 'em, so why shouldn't we fuck 'em?
Updated by anonymous
you cant give up whats people its animals that seprate from us humans
Updated by anonymous
Munkelzahn said:
We already eat 'em, so why shouldn't we fuck 'em?
If I have to check in the future whether or not the basted turkey on discount is actually the virgin version without semen or not then I'll hold you responsible for it.
Updated by anonymous
Seven_Twenty said:
Is it okay to fuck a mammal, but not a lizard?
I'm not even sure HOW you'd fuck a lizard. The only reptiles I can think of that are big enough to take an average-sized human cock would be crocodiles, very large snakes or komodo dragons. Good luck putting your dick near those things!
Updated by anonymous
Esme_Belles said:
Updated by anonymous
I guess he's attempting to say that "Human" should imply "Mammal", as humans are technically mammals.
Updated by anonymous
I am really at a loss of words here
Updated by anonymous
I kinda wish humans could lay eggs....
Updated by anonymous
This made me think, what if humans had knots? Infidelity rates would drop considerably. Cheating would need more thorough planning.
Heh, imagine getting home and seeing your partner tied with your "best" friend (not the dog) :P
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
This made me think, what if humans had knots? Infidelity rates would drop considerably. Cheating would need more thorough planning.Heh, imagine getting home and seeing your partner tied with your "best" friend (not the dog) :P
...Or maybe the dog? Lol.
Updated by anonymous
Or maybe because the butterfly effect bisexual orgies with your friends could be the rule.
Updated by anonymous
NotMeNotYou said:
British english or any other existing language would be appreciated as well.
Ooh! Can we do it it Canadian pls?
Updated by anonymous
Ooh! Can we do it it Canadian pls?
Ohh, yah. Anyway ya like there, don'cha know...
Updated by anonymous
This is a nonsense topic not contributing anything and is just bumping the threads
Updated by anonymous