Implicating white_background → monochrome_background
Link to implication
There are lots of "[color]_background" but no way to find them all.
Updated by Rainbow Dash
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Implicating white_background → monochrome_background
Link to implication
There are lots of "[color]_background" but no way to find them all.
Updated by Rainbow Dash
Lizardite said:
There are lots of "[color]_background" but no way to find them all.
They're all implicated to plain_background, which is the umbrella tag for single flat-color backgrounds.
...and also for rainbow_background, for some reason. It doesn't quite seem to fit in that group.
Updated by anonymous
They're all implicated to plain_background, which is the umbrella tag for single flat-color backgrounds.
Yup, my bad :)
Updated by anonymous
Deleted and denied for reasons above
Updated by anonymous