Topic: Assholes wanted (critiqueing) - 5 month mark

Posted under Art Talk

well... due to doing more sketches lately, I can no longer count images via numbers. If I did, this would be about number 40 or so. Without counting sketches and such, piece 20 or so.

Definately my best work, but I know I can do better. That is where I am hoping to get help here. FA is such a fucking hugfest of a site I can not get any critiques at all...

post #438438

Anything would be appreciated.

Updated by 123easy

Some harder shadows here and there could add more depth to the character. I PERSONALLY think the stripes on the tail should be thinner. On real animals (cats in this case) they get bigger on the tail, but only slightly. As a Maine Coon she could use more fluff.
And those stones in the waterfall don't look too convincing.

Still better than anything i could come up with :)
Also i apologize for not being good at being an asshole :(

Updated by anonymous

Her tail is bigger than her body. And her left arm is shorter than her right one :/

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
The breasts seem very out of place, their shape/curves/lines, the difference between them and the rest of her body, and their shading seem really out of place. The shading on her inner thigh could be better, it seems too soft right now, it could be a bit sharper to distinct the shadow. Other than that it's fine.

So make sure to have better line pressure control and just darker shade or cell shading?

HappyCatling said:

Some harder shadows here and there could add more depth to the character. I PERSONALLY think the stripes on the tail should be thinner. On real animals (cats in this case) they get bigger on the tail, but only slightly. As a Maine Coon she could use more fluff.
And those stones in the waterfall don't look too convincing.

Still better than anything i could come up with :)
Also i apologize for not being good at being an asshole :(

So more harder shadows, defiantly something that seems to be noticed by people.
First time with any kind of background like this, so more rock details: I will look for this and continue to work on my backgrounds.

And this was quite good. Sadly, this would have gotten you banned by most on FA... I have found out that the hard way.

Lizardite said:
Her tail is bigger than her body. And her left arm is shorter than her right one :/

You know... I have actually had this noticed by some people doing WIP critiques.

The tail was wanted that big. Was requested to be that way, not my choice.

The arm: I was told this and I actually measured it. Her left arm is actually longer! The heavy shoulder twist/lift seems to make this perspective way off. Not sure what to do about this beyond literally making her arm too long.

Updated by anonymous

_Waffles_ said:
The arm: I was told this and I actually measured it. Her left arm is actually longer! The heavy shoulder twist/lift seems to make this perspective way off. Not sure what to do about this beyond literally making her arm too long.

I think it's how long you made the torso.

Updated by anonymous

ok lemme throw in some color related stuff because that definitely needs some working

usually coloring lineart something else than black (like dark blue, dark red, dark purple etc) makes it look a lot better.
also i recommend avoiding using too much pure white, gray or black in general. try using instead of white really light bluish/reddish/whatever-fits-to-the-color-scheme gray, and instead of gray, use gray tinted with blue/red/whatever-fits-to-the-color-scheme and instead of black use dark saturated colors.

when you are shading things, instead of shading the with darker variation of the original color, try shading it with different hues, like that pink nose could be shaded with dark low saturated red instead of that dirty pink.

limit the color palette a little, in this image to create better color balance, you should bring somehow green and yellow colors to the character and reduce the amount of the colors that clash with the background (reds and pure whites/grays mainly) so she would actually look like she belongs to where ever she is standing.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
I think it's how long you made the torso.

That is fully possible, I will check the ratios in a bit.

Mutisija said:
ok lemme throw in some color related stuff because that definitely needs some working

usually coloring lineart something else than black (like dark blue, dark red, dark purple etc) makes it look a lot better.
also i recommend avoiding using too much pure white, gray or black in general. try using instead of white really light bluish/reddish/whatever-fits-to-the-color-scheme gray, and instead of gray, use gray tinted with blue/red/whatever-fits-to-the-color-scheme and instead of black use dark saturated colors.

when you are shading things, instead of shading the with darker variation of the original color, try shading it with different hues, like that pink nose could be shaded with dark low saturated red instead of that dirty pink.

limit the color palette a little, in this image to create better color balance, you should bring somehow green and yellow colors to the character and reduce the amount of the colors that clash with the background (reds and pure whites/grays mainly) so she would actually look like she belongs to where ever she is standing.

Wow... easily one of the better critiques/concepts I have ever gotten. i will try this. Thank you!

Updated by anonymous

Water also doesn't look like water, looks like someone sprayed that christmas fake frost stuff until it foamed. How to fix...? Not quite sure. Too tired to think really straight, sorry.

Updated by anonymous

Everything looks flat and the character has a very static pose as opposed to a dynamic and natural looking one (stiff arms, hands, etc). Proportions are wonky (her left arm is thin and short, head is a bit small, breasts are oddly shaped and start too early, etc). Shading is poor. Ignore colors, and backgrounds as they are a waste of time. You need to focus on forms and the human figure more. Do studies of humans in gray-scale, with simple to no background. If you want to learn how to do environments or work with colors do them separately, otherwise you are juggling too many things at once.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Water also doesn't look like water, looks like someone sprayed that christmas fake frost stuff until it foamed. How to fix...? Not quite sure. Too tired to think really straight, sorry.

Though it might seem otherwise, straight and detailed lines do a better job than blurryness when drawing water.

Here's my attempt to draw this scene:

Do not judge this drawing like if I was a professional artist. Judge it as for somebody who hasn't used a pencil in the last... eight years maybe?

Updated by anonymous

Lizardite said:
Though it might seem otherwise, straight and detailed lines do a better job than blurryness when drawing water.

Here's my attempt to draw this scene:

Do not judge this drawing like if I was a professional artist. Judge it as for somebody who hasn't used a pencil in the last... eight years maybe?

I think you got the point across- That looks much better to me, as well.

Updated by anonymous

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