For those of you who don't know already, Twitch Plays Pokémon is a social experiment in which thousands of people around the world are all simultaneously playing Pokémon Red and controlling the same character with text inputs in the comments section. (Good luck trying to participate though. The comments section is clogged so badly that it can't even load.)
Have you ever heard that phrase "A thousand monkeys, given infinite time, will reproduce the works of Shakespeare"? Well this is the equivalent of giving one typewriter with only 7 keys to over 50,000 monkeys. Hilarity ensues and faith in humanity diminishes. You can read more about it by reading the description at the live stream I linked to earlier.
After 6 days, the bot being controlled has 4 badges and, at the time of writing this, is now fighting Giovanni.
Edit: And we just beat him! Hooray!