Topic: Who's signature is it?!

Posted under Art Talk

I am working on getting some pictures from the old Hengeyokai-Sourcebook into the Database, but I stumbled upon a problem: the pictures have signature at times, but I cannot decifer who it is! I was able to strikeout one of the artists - Jeff Rebner - as he has a big JR as signature, but still: Who made the following pictures?

And who made the unsigned one?

They are obviously all done my the same, but WHOM? The possible artists are, according to the list in the front of the book: Michael Gaydos; Steve Prescot; Ray Snyder; Ron Spencer; Richard Thomas; Drew Tucker; Melissa Uran

Was able to kill Andrew Bates from the list, he signes with Bates:

Updated by Swiftkill

The signature says "merisa" so it's Melissa Uran.

Updated by anonymous

The unsigned one is Ron Spencer's style. Nobody else does art quite as... pointy as he does.

Updated by anonymous

I agree, that looks Spencer's. Especially worgen\werewolf guy (?) Ron got several pics with that one:

Yeah.. and Ron's art "pointy". I remember ones from MTG , they looked painful. :P

Updated by anonymous

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