Topic: Good quality image based websites anyone?

Posted under Art Talk

Of course here. (e621) Is an awesome set up of images and flash games, mostly rated E but who are we to complain? We make it.

But sometimes websites like E6 are simply to broad spectrum for anyone to get a good following going. What I mean by that is that it's hard to advertise yourself here, everyone's stuff is put in one big pile and it's rather hard for small time artist or so forth to get a good amount of attention.

However it is hard to find sites good enough to be worth posting on. A site that moderates it's art to keep the websites content looking good, a well moderated community, and to be focused on art not just generic meme pictures or so forth.

I've looked around myself but I've found nothing good per-say, I often come up with websites either terribly organized or with a terrible community. (See DA and it's massive following of crudely traced art) Along with problems of either no moderators or non-active ones. No art filter to sort out the bad art, so on.

I found out about this website from a friend, so perhaps I just don't know how to look for this stuff but often the community as a collective get's good answers more often then google.

So what would you suggest are some good art based websites? (Regardless of fandom)

(However that being said if anyone know's any good pony based image websites that would be great)


Hmmm... Gelbooru? Nah. Asshats ahoy. Xbooru? Nah. Tram pararam and dead community... I'm out.

Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:

I honestly think that we are kinda like the Google for furries...but better. We got sources like Goog, you can search what you need like Goog, but we don't tolerate trolling and we actually do something about it, and we treat our users with respect unlike Goog.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I honestly think that we are kinda like the Google for furries...but better. We got sources like Goog, you can search what you need like Goog, but we don't tolerate trolling and we actually do something about it, and we treat our users with respect unlike Goog.

Also, we... are FAB-U-LOUS!!

Updated by anonymous

I'm not quite sure what the issue is. You seem dissatisfied with e621's ability to organize and thus promote artists? Perhaps if e621 overhauled its artist directory (maybe there's a better page for that?). My initial suggestion is:

- add more viewable, searchable, and sortable metrics to artist directory like
-> total score, total favorites, average score, average favorites, average score and/or favs per total views, most common tags per artist, total visible posts, timestamp of most recent post, timestamp of first post, a few thumbnails of most popular works... better ideas?

As a secondary issue, you are interested in branching out or, at the very least, discovering other worthwhile art communities/websites? I can't really help with that. I would just suggest going to deviantart or pixiv, finding a good artist with works you're interested in, browsing their favorites, and repeating the process. This approach suffers from an "in the bubble" or "popularity contest" effect, narrowing the search scope to potentially exclude lesser known artists in the periphery of the relevant results pool. Still better than blind searching, and you get a nice art cascade going. Last time I went on an art spree, I thoroughly investigated submissions for a pixiv art contest or two, checked out the artists of the more impressive works, and then checked out their favorites if I was reasonably impressed. ...I suppose I could compile a list of artists whom I thought were hot shit if you wanted?

OK, I guess you can try plumbing the depths of g-e-hentai, hentai-foundry, and allthefallen. Allthefallen is a loli booru + forum if that's one of your things, and my reason for using Tor, as infrequent as that may be. They seem to have good administration and a decent community, and they inherited the lolibooru database when that shut down. They do not seem to have a large enough userbase and staff to manage their database, so tagging and searching conventions are basic compared to e621, although posts seemed thoroughly tagged.

Updated by anonymous

DA is probably one of the worst websites to go for spreading your art.

They worship terrible artist like gods, no one is honest about if the artwork you or anyone else makes is either good or bad, and the community is almost half filled with little kids making crude traces. I'm already there, and I don't want to be.

Updated by anonymous

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