Was wanting to find some Brian O'Connel artwork on here but no luck under that name, under what other name could I possibly find him listed as? Thanks. :D
Updated by JoeX
Posted under Art Talk
Was wanting to find some Brian O'Connel artwork on here but no luck under that name, under what other name could I possibly find him listed as? Thanks. :D
Updated by JoeX
Did you use an underscore between his first and last name? If not, you need to, otherwise you won't get any results. Here you go! http://e621.net/post/index/1/brian_o'connell
Updated by anonymous
JoeX said:
Did you use an underscore between his first and last name? If not, you need to, otherwise you won't get any results. Here you go! http://e621.net/post/index/1/brian_o'connell[/quote]brian_o'connel returns nothing... And I tried to find other names but all I get is an actor
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
brian_o'connel returns nothing...
...I missed the spelling error? How the fuck does that happen? D:
Updated by anonymous
JoeX said:
...I missed the spelling error? How the fuck does that happen? D:
Is it brian_o'connell or brian_o'connel?
Edit: Yup! You're right! It's connell sorrz
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
Is it brian_o'connellor brian_o'connel?Edit: Yup! You're right! It's connell sorrz
No, I misread it. I meant the spelling error in the original post.
Updated by anonymous