Topic: Poll, Being harder on new user FFD abuse, new FFD dropbox layout, or keep as is.

Posted under General

I've seen in my time some sites that carry a no tollerance with new users. We all know them, they sign up for the sole pourpose of flagging something they dislike, find gross, think is illegal, or find offencive. These user's likely have never even taken a peek at the rules or flagging guidelines, and ignorance is not an excuse.

1) Harder measures against these ffd's, possibly a 1 day ban, if their going to start off their time on the site by breaking rules...

2) If not harder measures against this abuse, then maybe a couple of boxes on the sign up page that requires them to fill out the number/section each of the main rules is in, proving that they have read the rules at least. Which in turn allows admin to be tougher on them for breaking it.

3) Or go with rainbow dashes idea of a dropbox in the ffd page that allows one to chose from diffrent reasons, the repost gives a secondary box making them put in the post # to check where's the irrelevant, child porn, gross, ect reasons direct them straight to the rules page.

Give me your thoughts and a yey or Neh. With the # of what's what, andnplease keep it simple and civil! My threads tend to devolve into chaos.....
p.s admin and users, please no one word answers. Its annoying and doesn't help, if no, why. If yes, why.


The dropbox idea is good. I'd also be in favor of a user being redirected to the How to FFD page the first time they flag an image.

Also, yes please on the short bans for completely stupid FFD reasons.

Updated by anonymous

Honestly, I would say if a user abuses the flagging tool by reporting posts they find outside their tastes, they should receive a warning and then a revocation of that privilege.

Updated by anonymous

I say yes. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse for breaking them. I'm new but I at least have a grasp of the rules and when in doubt I look it up. I've seen plenty of posts flagged cause it was "gross" or "gay". Pretty sure I even saw one flagged for "blasphemy". Any way it would be nice if something could be done about this. My vote would be for rainbow dashes idea. Maybe throw in a one day ban if they try it more than once.

Updated by anonymous

There was a flag for "blasphemy?" Why was this not screenshot in the highest resolution possible and turned into an internet meme?

Updated by anonymous

Jack_Nova said:
There was a flag for "blasphemy?" Why was this not screenshot in the highest resolution possible and turned into an internet meme?

I can find it for you if you want.

Basicly you can search flag reasons when using the main index history... you'd be surprised at some of the ones submitted. After awhile it gets....tiresome. lilo & stitch is a prime target for "its child porn" gore is a prime for disturbing/ect...

Updated by anonymous

Perhaps just make it if they flag a post because they don't like it they get locked on the rules pages for 2 days not able to do anything but read the rules.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
I can find it for you if you want.

Basicly you can search flag reasons when using the main index history... you'd be surprised at some of the ones submitted. After awhile it gets....tiresome. lilo & stitch is a prime target for "its child porn" gore is a prime for disturbing/ect...

I've been on and off the site for a few years now, but just recently made the whole account thing. I was just surprised someone would take religious issue with some animal porn and not... well, all of it.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
I can find it for you if you want.

Basicly you can search flag reasons when using the main index history... you'd be surprised at some of the ones submitted. After awhile it gets....tiresome. lilo & stitch is a prime target for "its child porn" gore is a prime for disturbing/ect...

Ah yes because some people can't recognize that fictional characters do not have real ages...

Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
Perhaps just make it if they flag a post because they don't like it they get locked on the rules pages for 2 days not able to do anything but read the rules.

That's an interesting thought

Updated by anonymous

How about making it so that you have to have had the account for 1-3 months before you can Flag?

There's already a delay (if I remember correctly) before a person can post/comment/vote, so it shouldn't be hard to set a longer period for flagging. That longer time period would also give them more time to see examples of flagging.

And if they can't find the flagging rules by that point they probably need a smack upside the head. :P

Updated by anonymous

Nyteshade said:
How about making it so that you have to have had the account for 1-3 months before you can Flag?

There's already a delay (if I remember correctly) before a person can post/comment/vote, so it shouldn't be hard to set a longer period for flagging. That longer time period would also give them more time to see examples of flagging.

And if they can't find the flagging rules by that point they probably need a smack upside the head. :P

And maybe during that delay, the flag link should redirect them straight to the "how to flag" page instead of the normal FFD page

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
And maybe during that delay, the flag link should redirect them straight to the "how to flag" page instead of the normal FFD page

Excellent idea. Bold message at the top:

"New accounts cannot flag images until they are XX weeks old. In the meantime, look over these flagging rules and to see if your intended reason was valid."

Updated by anonymous

Ah, my thoughts have already been stated. The typical warning, red mark, ban is a good system I think, but making new users wait a decent chunk of time before FFD would be good, maybe they would sort of understand some things before FFD'ing

Updated by anonymous

No amount of change is gonna change the fact that you have idiot users who will flag for stupid things.

Updated by anonymous

Why do you care so much about FFD abuse? It literally does not affect you at all.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Why do you care so much about FFD abuse? It literally does not affect you at all.

you have a point there. I still think it would be a good idea to put some limitations or requirements on flagging to prevent people from abusing the tool. Seems like someone with too much free time and a couple fake accounts could cause a few headaches for whoever has to deal with that.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Why do you care so much about FFD abuse? It literally does not affect you at all.

It affects everyone mentally. We might be having the best day ever until we see multiple flag abuses by one user, it rustles our jimmies.

Updated by anonymous

Could make it so if you create 10 false flags you are banned from flagging anything at all.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Why do you care so much about FFD abuse? It literally does not affect you at all.

Yeah, trying to help the site is for suckas :o

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
I've seen in my time some sites that carry a no tollerance with new users. We all know them, they sign up for the sole pourpose of flagging something they dislike, find gross, think is illegal, or find offencive. These user's likely have never even taken a peek at the rules or flagging guidelines, and ignorance is not an excuse.

1) Harder measures against these ffd's, possibly a 1 day ban, if their going to start off their time on the site by breaking rules...

2) If not harder measures against this abuse, then maybe a couple of boxes on the sign up page that requires them to fill out the number/section each of the main rules is in, proving that they have read the rules at least. Which in turn allows admin to be tougher on them for breaking it.

3) Or go with rainbow dashes idea of a dropbox in the ffd page that allows one to chose from diffrent reasons, the repost gives a secondary box making them put in the post # to check where's the irrelevant, child porn, gross, ect reasons direct them straight to the rules page.

Give me your thoughts and a yey or Neh. With the # of what's what, andnplease keep it simple and civil! My threads tend to devolve into chaos.....
p.s admin and users, please no one word answers. Its annoying and doesn't help, if no, why. If yes, why.

Thank you for your concerns. Let me look at this real quick.

1. Only serious offenses get a ban off the first occurrence. Existing rules are already in place for people who repeatedly FFD incorrectly.

2. If we made it harder for people to use the FFD system, even with just a checkbox or two, they would either stop using it altogether or treat it like every porn site (yes, of course I'm over 18).

3. This is a significant investment with coding that we could be using to fix other things (like the occasional missing pictures), and it wouldn't really deter anyone from selecting whatever they want for FFD. Plus, we would run the risk of people not seeing/understanding legit FFD reasons and not sure what to pick.

Honestly, a bad FFD is very easily fixed. People who do it repeatedly will be treated like any other rule-breaker: they get warned, told off, suspended, then, finally, banned.

A user time restriction for FFD might be the best way to make things harder, and I think it wouldn't be too much of an effort.

Updated by anonymous

Cutedementia said:
Ah yes because some people can't recognize that fictional characters do not have real ages...

The only problem I see with this is that characters do have assumed ages, that's why we have the cub tag, so that people who do not wish to see such material can blacklist it... or not, I don't care.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
Why do you care so much about FFD abuse? It literally does not affect you at all.

In all honenestly two reasons.
stupidity irritates me badly.
Trying to help by offering ways to alleviate the workload you and the other admin have to do.

Users who gun jump and join simply to bitch about something, someone, or flag something is x times more likely to abuse in the future.
by signing up and flagging something for the wrong reasons...doesn't that kinda seem like their giving you and the site rules a big middle finger?

Edit, also if its a problem, then feel free to tell me it is an I wount ever mention these idea's again.
I guess it hits a sore spot with me personally because unlike comments or tags, we the base members cant help fix it when it occurs. If something I sugjested lowered the amount of bad flags, then ive helped improve the site.

Updated by anonymous

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