Topic: Tag Alias: bees -> bee

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing bees → bee
Link to alias


Unnecessary plural? It does seem to be used for when there's a large amount of bees swarming somebody or around a hive, but it seems like the bee tag is also used for the same thing making this redundant.

Updated by TheHuskyK9


Former Staff

If there's literally tons of bees, I think it should be tagged as something like bee_swarm. But yeah, this alias seems fine.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
If there's literally tons of bees, I think it should be tagged as something like bee_swarm. But yeah, this alias seems fine.

I think just swarm would suffice, since it has more use non-specific to bees.

Updated by anonymous

Okay guys, beehive. The amount of bee jokes bug me :I

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Okay guys, beehive. The amount of bee jokes bug me :I

Buzz off.

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Can we stop with the bee jokes? it literally stings to read this thread

Humour is in the eye of the BEEholder.

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
Can we stop with the bee jokes? it literally stings to read this thread

bee gone with you then

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
bee gone with you then

I'll bee buzzing around the site and forums then

Updated by anonymous

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