I was browsing through Hardiman's work and came across the following image:
In my opinion the tagging for this image has multiple problems.
First of all "assault" is invalid, here, because there is no actual assault happening.
Secondly, I'm not sure how "hypocrisy" and "irony" got in here, unless it was one of Hardiman's detractors hinting at the rumors that he's a pedophile.
Thirdly, there's no molestation going on in this image, although the image implies that in a (non-existant) previous image this did happen.
Fourthly, there's no rape going on here.
Fifthly, that's not a "rape face" on the bear. She's about to carve him up into little tiny pieces.
Finally, how did "toothy" become a character label?
I'll wrap this up by noting that the "penance" tag is not present, even though this is clearly Hardiman's character, Penance.