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  • Comments
  • Not really scary. This is just the fear hype from the Child's Play series. Just a punt could send a doll flying, and since he's got her in a place with no witnesses, there is a curb stomp factor in there. Not to show support for the pedo, just stating what anyone could do if they were being backed to a wall by a little girl.

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  • Arcturus said:
    This is damned arousing.

    Thanks, Hardiman.

    Some guy about to get ripped to shreds turns you on? Oookay. ;P Glad you like.

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  • Skunkworks said:
    Some guy about to get ripped to shreds turns you on? Oookay. ;P Glad you like.

    I was more thinking that she's about to get punted into a wall and ass-fucked, actually.

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  • Arcturus said:
    I was more thinking that she's about to get punted into a wall and ass-fucked, actually.

    Nope. The Penance character is just using the body of a girl who died 20+ years ago. She's got same major bad mojo. I can guarantee she's the one in charge.

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  • Those word ballons are bloated. Hardiman needs to take to heart the concept of pacing. I mean, it's a comic, you shouldn't infodump like this, you need to break it up, otherwise you're just making it obvious you're amateur about the whole thing.

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  • RaveRaptor said:
    Not really scary. This is just the fear hype from the Child's Play series. Just a punt could send a doll flying, and since he's got her in a place with no witnesses, there is a curb stomp factor in there. Not to show support for the pedo, just stating what anyone could do if they were being backed to a wall by a little girl.

    I think it's safe to assume she's backed by demonic (or sense she's anti-pedo, would it be angelic?) powers.

    Just because an animal is small, doesn't mean it can't be dangerous. Throw in a healthy mix of the supernatural, and you are so fucking fucked.

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  • Marbles said:
    I think it's safe to assume she's backed by demonic (or sense she's anti-pedo, would it be angelic?) powers.

    Just because an animal is small, doesn't mean it can't be dangerous. Throw in a healthy mix of the supernatural, and you are so fucking fucked.

    Don't be silly, demons would never attack a priest. (Get the hint? I love jokes...)

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  • Demons eat priests all the time. Low body fat makes them crunchy.

    Anyways from the creepy little kid's description of his "activities" I'm sure he won't missed.

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  • Wraywolfe said:
    Those word ballons are bloated. Hardiman needs to take to heart the concept of pacing. I mean, it's a comic, you shouldn't infodump like this, you need to break it up, otherwise you're just making it obvious you're amateur about the whole thing.

    This isn't even an actual page, man. I just drew this up (smaller than the size of the actual pages) to show folks how I would be drawing the new comics (which are not the humorous ones from years ago). I merely picked a scene from Penance's story since people on my group were asking about her.

    I'm sure the guy is trying to flee or fight, but she's holding him in one spot like that. As Marbles stated, she is indeed a powerful negative entity forced into an ill-fitting physical form. The dude couldn't shoot, stab or otherwise harm her even if he tried. This also means, unfortunately, the cops cannot get her either. Which is not good.

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  • mellis said:
    Hardiman & friends sure draw a lot of cub stuff lately, it seems.

    It also seems you have an unhealthy preoccupation with my work, Melissa. As for me drawing cub stuff? Nnno. Sorry. If you took the time to read the previous post, you'd discover why this was drawn and posted. You might even learn there's no sex shown in that story. Anywhere.

    Besides that, maybe you only think it seems as if there's more of this stuff nowadays since the vast majority of my new art doesn't get posted online? Hmmm...

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  • Your typing says 'no no' but your painstaking, lovingly rendered spread-legged bear cub says 'yes yes'

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  • mellis said:
    Your typing says 'no no' but your painstaking, lovingly rendered spread-legged bear cub says 'yes yes'

    And I bet you tried using Photoshop to lighten the shadows to see if anything was there, amirite? There's a reason it was all blacked out. It's because I refuse to draw that.

    And as DarkHorst said, do get out. You could probably benefit from peeling yourself away from your computer and actually *gasp* going outside!

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  • I'm going to state my opinion 'once' and i will not be responding to any comments pointed towards me....point one, james, i love your art regardless of the form it takes, but you really aren't showing the level of intellect i know you have here buddy...if you argue with the trolls your only giving them what they want, just clam up and ignore them.
    point 2: Pedo/cub/loli/cake whatever the hell you call it, its 'art' people, images drawn on paper, or on 'tablet' whatever the heck that is, its not something you should be making such a big fucking deal over.
    lastly: to those bugging poor jmh, STOP IT, the trolls im sure will ignore me on this, but intelligent thinking people should accept that James is doing this for FREE most of the time, so i quoth the saying 'don't look a gift horse [or skunkette in this case] in the mouth' respect what he draws, and respect what he WONT, I've seen too many good artists pushed out of this fandom cause people tried to get them to do stuff they didn't wanna do.
    thats my opinion , and if you think it stinks, well thats 'your' opinion and your just as entitled to it as I am to mine.

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  • Does any one here know where I may be able to find this comic (if completed). I have always been intrigued buy the art styles of both J.M Hardiman and Desiree Lee and I would love to have the honor of seeing the rest of this comic.

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  • Yangus500x said:
    Does any one here know where I may be able to find this comic (if completed). I have always been intrigued buy the art styles of both J.M Hardiman and Desiree Lee and I would love to have the honor of seeing the rest of this comic.

    This particular series is currently under production. The page above was merely drawn as a demonstration to show folks on my group what the style of the new comic would look like. The actual story for the above page may or may not contain a page which looks like this. Chances are, it'll be stretched out a bit more, to allow smaller word ballons and more action/mood development.

    I'm hoping to have the first book ready to go by the end of this year/start of 2010. If all goes well, I will publish it through Angry Viking Press.

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  • Fantastic work Jim, always been a fan of your art.

    Hope you get a chance to draw a follow up page showing the brutal and gory end to the mutt, and I'll be keeping an eye out for the comic when it comes out next year.

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  • marksalot said:
    Fantastic work Jim, always been a fan of your art.

    Hope you get a chance to draw a follow up page showing the brutal and gory end to the mutt, and I'll be keeping an eye out for the comic when it comes out next year.

    They actually just sit down and play a round of "Connect Four". ;)

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  • Yangus500x said:
    Thank you for the imput I look forward to seeing more of your work, thank you for your time.

    No sweat, man.

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  • Skunkworks said:
    And I bet you tried using Photoshop to lighten the shadows to see if anything was there, amirite?

    Lightened the shadows? Hell I shopped that fucker right in there. I have to congratulate you though, nobody draws spread-eagled children quite as well as you do, gave me a great base to work with.

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  • mellis said:
    Lightened the shadows? Hell I shopped that fucker right in there. I have to congratulate you though, nobody draws spread-eagled children quite as well as you do, gave me a great base to work with.

    I'll wait while the irony of your statement sinks in. And you call _me_ a person with questionable tastes? Haha! Glad to hear I could help your disturbing fantasy, Melissa. Enjoy!

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  • It's amazing that he's so far removed from reality that he still thinks I am even remotely trying to post in any sort of serious fashion whatsoever (or even was in the first place), and sexist enough that thinking calling me a girl's name is insulting. It's like a christmas that never ends.

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  • mellis said:
    It's amazing that he's so far removed from reality that he still thinks I am even remotely trying to post in any sort of serious fashion whatsoever (or even was in the first place), and sexist enough that thinking calling me a girl's name is insulting. It's like a christmas that never ends.

    Of course I'm playing along. If I was actually angry, I'm sure you'd recognize it. I'm having a bit of fun posting replies on this; it's sorta like smack-talking with your friends (or what Shawntae Howard and I always do). This is, after all, the internet. And nothing should ever be taken seriously on the internet.

    So do we continue this, or just hold off until I post another picture? I might have something in a week or so worth posting...

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  • Wraywolfe said:
    Those word ballons are bloated. Hardiman needs to take to heart the concept of pacing. I mean, it's a comic, you shouldn't infodump like this, you need to break it up, otherwise you're just making it obvious you're amateur about the whole thing.

    Who the fuck are you to even speak about what someone who's been drawing and making comics for years on end and has made money from them as well. Are you a professional comic artist from DC Comics? Or just another dumbshit fur who belives he knows everything about how art is made. Have you ever noticed that not every Artist, comic book creator and even music are the same? Everyone draws, sings, writes in diferent shapes or forms. Just sit back, enjoy this post that has been made and just shut up

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  • As a note, 'Mr. Hardiman', please have a look at the top of E621 currently. "Trolling people, for any reason, will get you warned/banned. Leave moderation to the mods." Goodbye, enjoy your B&.

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  • Xaniseth said:
    As a note, 'Mr. Hardiman', please have a look at the top of E621 currently. "Trolling people, for any reason, will get you warned/banned. Leave moderation to the mods." Goodbye, enjoy your B&.

    Wait...Jim was getting trolled and you banned HIM?? ...the fuck?

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  • mellis said:
    Your typing says 'no no' but your painstaking, lovingly rendered spread-legged bear cub says 'yes yes'

    +10 internets. I chortled.

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  • RaveRaptor said:
    Not really scary. This is just the fear hype from the Child's Play series. Just a punt could send a doll flying, and since he's got her in a place with no witnesses, there is a curb stomp factor in there. Not to show support for the pedo, just stating what anyone could do if they were being backed to a wall by a little girl.

    she can transform into a powerful lust demon, and even in her child form, she can use kinetic powers. just sayin'

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