Topic: Bullying

Posted under Off Topic

123easy said:
...*facepalm* Trying to say that just because we are communicating over a different medium it's not reality is just... seriously?

You obviously don't understand what I'm saying at all. Let me spell it out, virtual world vs real life. On the internet, you can be whatever the hell you want. You can say that you are 6"5 and 300lbs of pure muscle and people would believe you. You can post a picture of someone else you found on Google and say that it's you and people would believe you. People do that on dating sites all the time. On the internet, you can be anything. Now bullying/trolling/harassing/etc, you should not take seriously. Why? Because someone trying to fuck with you with no backup proof is laughable.

Example A
Read both of those dmails that were sent. Can you honestly take that person seriously? This person's intention is to hurt the admin's feelings. Did it work? No, because that person just proved that he is immature, inferior, and not even worth spending any of your precious time to deal with. What did they do to fix this "problem"? BLOCKED. "What if he makes an alt"? BLOCKED. "What if he makes multiple alts"? BLOCKITY BLOCK BLOCKED.

Now let's go into the real world. Unlike the internet, you can't be whatever you want due to laws, rules, or limitations in general. You cannot claim that you're 6"5 and 300lbs of pure muscle when you're actually 5"7 and 150lbs. You cannot have a picture of someone else and say that it's you because you're not the same person. Now bullying in real life is a problem. Threats, abuse, etc happening to you in real life has a more pshycological affect than harsh words on a screen.

In the capacity of you just not letting bullying get to you, no, you aren't the problem. In the capacity of being dismissive of bullying being a problem at all, yes, you are the problem.

Never said or implied that I am dismissive about bullying, so no, I am not the problem. Bullying/bullies are the problem in whole. "Cyber-bullies" are just immature trolls that can't do nothing but talk shit. It's annoying but not permanent. 

Updated by anonymous

thatoneclarinetist said:
This thread makes my wanna commit seppeku

What is that?

Updated by anonymous

UnafraidAtom said:
What is that?

seppuku, aka ritualistic suicide by drawing a knife through your gut and having a trusted retainer or friend cut off your head (decapitation optional).

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
seppuku, aka ritualistic suicide by drawing a knife through your gut and having a trusted retainer or friend cut off your head (decapitation optional).

A great way to solve bully problems.

Edit: Well, effective, if not great.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
seppuku, aka ritualistic suicide by drawing a knife through your gut and having a trusted retainer or friend cut off your head (decapitation optional).

Okay. That just made my day

Updated by anonymous

I was bullied from first grade all the way through high school. I was made fun of because of my weight. In high school, I was talking to a friend of mine about furry stuff. This one kid called me a furfag in front of the entire class. Needless to say, he got in a lot of trouble for that. There was another kid who physically bullied me twice. The first time, he made a comment and when I confronted him and asked him to stop, he tried to kick me in the groin, but missed and hit my thigh. The second time was on my birthday in P.E. He made another comment, and when I told the teacher what he said, they pulled him aside and confronted him. He then proceeded to run at me head-on and grab my shirt. That was the last time he ever did that. I know, I sound like a dipshit here, but this was back when I was a bit dumb.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I was bullied from first grade all the way through high school.

I as well, although holy fuck finding someone to talk to about 'furry stuff' in high school would be a brave endeavour. Commendations good sir.

Me, I was a gangly little spazoid with poor social sense, and I got my fill of bullying for it. Even for as little as trying to talk to someone, I would be met with a verbiage of profanity and the laughter that followed. If I knew I could just beat the shit out of my aggressors with no actual consequences, things would probably have been better.

Updated by anonymous

Most of people here are from USA right?

Well, they could take in account that making threats or demeaning statements , while using electronic communications (included Internet, of course) is considered an legal offense there, as shortly was stated by FBI representative: "Using broad-based communication channels to threaten, harm and intimidate and then incite others to do the same will not be tolerated.":

•Threatening another person, or his property or reputation
Examples: "Have you taken those photos of the kids as I recommended? Because the last day that you see them is close to hand" (1, 2; more); "Get ready for a visit... that's a promise" (here; more). It may also take the form of a threat against a group: "I'm targeting all Jews in my area, and when they get it they will never know what hit them" (here; more). This may also take the form of extortion: that unless the victim does something, or stops doing something, harm will come to her, her children, her property, or her reputation. We presume it also takes the form of indirect threats such as, "We also know you have a dog you love very much... you are warned." (from archives; coming.)

•Threatening or harassing another person while hiding behind a fictitious identity --- or knowingly allowing one's website to be used for this purpose

•Soliciting others to commit a crime of violence
Examples: "Won't someone please kill xxxx?"; "Someone really needs to kill xxxx. I'll post his address. Want his pictures, too? I'd hate to have to give them out, but..." (from archives; coming.)

As well as many states have laws which that prohibit "spreading rumors or posting degrading, harmful, or explicit pictures, messages, or information using social media or other forms of electronic communication" (also known as "cyberbullying");
"taunting or making sexual slurs about a person's gender orientation or sexual status"; "name-calling, joking, or making offensive remarks about a person's religion, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status"/

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:

No toothbrush or foreskin-based jokes for these bullies? Man they missed out.

Updated by anonymous

Name calling, joking, and offensive remarks are all protected speech, the rest of that is questionable at best.

The federal laws are the only ones that would actually stand a constitutional challenge of the laws.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
No toothbrush or foreskin-based jokes for these bullies? Man they missed out.

You're never going to let me live this down, are you? :C
Tangent, that sucks. Bullying based on appearance is not cool.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Name calling, joking, and offensive remarks are all protected speech, the rest of that is questionable at best.

The federal laws are the only ones that would actually stand a constitutional challenge of the laws.

...Did you seriously just call it protected speech? I don't even

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
...Did you seriously just call it protected speech? I don't even

Well they are protected by freedom of speech but has its limits.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
...Did you seriously just call it protected speech? I don't even

Under the First Amendment to the US constitution, it is.
You are legally allowed to insult whoever you like.

The supreme court has constantly upheld this, even against police.

As long as the speech isn't threatening, or intended to incite violence, as per the fighting words doctrine.

Don't believe it?
Google "westboro baptist church".

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Under the First Amendment to the US constitution, it is.
You are legally allowed to insult whoever you like.

The supreme court has constantly upheld this, even against police.

As long as the speech isn't threatening, or intended to incite violence, as per the fighting words doctrine.

Don't believe it?
Google "westboro baptist church".

Verbal bullying can also be considered slander on some cases. I've never heard of these cases but hey, its possible I guess

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
You're never going to let me live this down, are you? :C
Tangent, that sucks. Bullying based on appearance is not cool.

Not quite sure what's going on but if it makes you feel any better, I think a all natural uncut member is rather sexy (and chubby can be really cute too).

Updated by anonymous

Crass_Companion said:
Not quite sure what's going on but if it makes you feel any better, I think a all natural uncut member is rather sexy (and chubby can be really cute too).

Ask Moon Moon and Patchi. I'm sure they can fill you in. I'm glad that I'm uncircumcised. Circumcision is like mutilation, IMO.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Ask Moon Moon and Patchi. I'm sure they can fill you in. I'm glad that I'm uncircumcised. Circumcision is like mutilation, IMO.

Cool beans bro

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Cool beans bro

wut. my penis is srs bsns. :I

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Ask Moon Moon and Patchi. I'm sure they can fill you in. I'm glad that I'm uncircumcised. Circumcision is like mutilation, IMO.

You do have 30% more sensation then people with one (DAMN YOU CATHLOIC PARENTS!)

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
wut. my penis is srs bsns. :I

I heard penis. I am here.

Updated by anonymous

Patchi said:
I heard penis. I am here.


Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Under the First Amendment to the US constitution, it is.
You are legally allowed to insult whoever you like.

The supreme court has constantly upheld this, even against police.

As long as the speech isn't threatening, or intended to incite violence, as per the fighting words doctrine.

Don't believe it?
Google "westboro baptist church".

keywords here are "Directed at police officers". There's a rather wide gap between how much abuse police are expected to withstand and how much is acceptable for the average person, as noted with the quote, "because a properly trained officer may reasonably be expected to exercise a higher degree of restraint than the average citizen, and thus be less likely to respond belligerently to fighting words.'"

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
keywords here are "Directed at police officers". There's a rather wide gap between how much abuse police are expected to withstand and how much is acceptable for the average person, as noted with the quote, "because a properly trained officer may reasonably be expected to exercise a higher degree of restraint than the average citizen, and thus be less likely to respond belligerently to fighting words.'" [/quote] I see you haven't yet googled "westboro baptist church".

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
The hell did I walk on?

For some reason, Moon Moon, Husky and Patchi are entertaining themselves by discussing my genitalia.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
For some reason, Moon Moon, Husky and Patchi are entertaining themselves by discussing my genitalia.

Looks like it. What's about it?

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
For some reason, Moon Moon, Husky and Patchi are entertaining themselves by discussing my genitalia.

So, he walked on your genitals?

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Looks like it. What's about it?

I really can't explain. It would take all night to type. I'm sure someone still has the image file that's being referenced.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I really can't explain. It would take all night to type. I'm sure someone still has the image file that's being referenced.

There's pics??

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
So, he walked on your genitals?


JoeX said:
I really can't explain. It would take all night to type. I'm sure someone still has the image file that's being referenced.

Oh. I'll have to sift through the thread, then.

That's what I get from being missing two days...

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:

Oh. I'll have to sift through the thread, then.

That's what I get from being missing two days...

This page is the only page with the references. Anyone that has the image has my permission to post it.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Oh. Fuck. I suppose it was inevitable at some point. I'm sure that the image that these tags were attached to is somewhere.

Deleted. And it was posted seven months ago so I must be missing a lot...

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Deleted. And it was posted seven months ago so I must be missing a lot...

I know it was deleted. I'm saying that someone out there must have the image file saved somewhere.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I know it was deleted. I'm saying that someone out there must have the image file saved somewhere.

Saw it. I must say, getting Ratte to draw anything like that is a win in my book

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I know it was deleted. I'm saying that someone out there must have the image file saved somewhere.

*looks at Patchi and Ratte*

Updated by anonymous

Just link the image already. This is torture. T_T I added an italicized emoticon. That's how torturous this is.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Just link the image already. This is torture. T_T I added an italicized emoticon. That's how torturous this is.

Sorry can't. Linking to deleted content is a no-no...I think

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Sorry can't. Linking to deleted content is a no-no...I think

Oh. :C

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Sorry can't. Linking to deleted content is a no-no...I think

Aw... it is specially if is paid content

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Aw... it is specially if is paid content

But the image in question is peened content.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Oh. :C

Xch3l said:
Aw... it is specially if is paid content

Actually, I checked the CoC and it doesn't say anything about linking to deleted content but it does say not to upload deleted content and DNP

Posting Abuse
Suggested Suspension Length: 3 to 7 days
This category includes:

* Knowingly uploading previously deleted content
* Posting content listed in the Avoid Posting List (

If that's the case, then check it

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Actually, I checked the CoC and it doesn't say anything about linking to deleted content but it does say not to upload deleted content and DNP

If that's the case, then check it

It's even more horrible than I remember.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
It's even more horrible than I remember.

I can remove it if you want

Updated by anonymous

FWIW, my foreskin isn't that long.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I can remove it if you want

Nah, it's not a big deal. I just forgot how fat I look.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
FWIW, my foreskin isn't that long.

Really 'cause I beleived that image to in fact be 100% reputable.

Updated by anonymous

Tangent said:
Really 'cause I beleived that image to in fact be 100% reputable.

I know you did. Unfortunately, it's not.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
But the image in question is peened content.

heh, no. I meant as linking to images of paid content

TheHuskyK9 said:
Actually, I checked the CoC and it doesn't say anything about linking to deleted content but it does say not to upload deleted content and DNP

If that's the case, then check it

Oh well, I have'nt been missing too much, image-wise.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
heh, no. I meant as linking to images of paid content

I know.

Xch3l said:
Oh well, I have'nt been missing too much, image-wise.

But it's such perfection.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Just link the image already. This is torture. T_T I added an italicized emoticon. That's how torturous this is.

Remember mods....he asked for it.

Here was one of the many lines in irc that inspired this masterpiece.
[20:17] <JoeX> Sometimes I put my foreskin in my mouth just to freak people out.lolololololololol

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Remember mods....he asked for it.

Here was one of the many lines in irc that inspired this masterpiece.
[20:17] <JoeX> Sometimes I put my foreskin in my mouth just to freak people out.lolololololololol

Okay, I said it was okay for the image to be posted, not to make up things I never said. Also, Husky beat you to it.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Remember mods....he asked for it.

Here was one of the many lines in irc that inspired this masterpiece.
[20:17] <JoeX> Sometimes I put my foreskin in my mouth just to freak people out.lolololololololol


Halite said:
Yeah, quit bullying Joe (on topic!).


Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Yeah, quit bullying Joe (on topic!).

I was going to say that, but I didn't. Damn!

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I was going to say that, but I didn't. Damn!

I'm not even making fun at you. But yeh... let's get on topic.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
I'm not even making fun at you. But yeh... let's get on topic.

Oh, I know. C:

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Okay, I said it was okay for the image to be posted, not to make up things I never said. Also, Husky beat you to it.

Dude, I have a whole quote list of shit you've said along with stuff others have said. These are legit quotes.
If you want more I can provide.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Dude, I have a whole quote list of shit you've said along with stuff others have said. These are legit quotes.
If you want more I can provide.

How about no.

Updated by anonymous