One year ago (As seen here princess_molestia_(mlp) was aliased to princess_celestia_(mlp).
However, 3 months ago (here it was somewhat decided (At least by the admins that posted there) that alternate version of an existing character should be implicated, or at least tagged separately.
Somehow princess_molestia_(mlp) missed the ramifications of this discussion, and I can think of a few possible reasons why. It is a little known fact that Molestia is, in fact, a real character separate to Celestia and that she does, in fact, have a separate appearance. Molestia has a light pink mane while Celestia has.. freaking.. triple-decker ice-cream hair.
Here, let me just show you
post #445504 post #446817
This physical difference means these characters can easily be recognizable as far as the TWYS rule is concerned. The monochrome comic series would also be covered by TWYS since "Molestia" was the titular character. Compare "Trolestia" who's presence is very context sensitive because she has no physical identifiers that differentiate her from either Celestia or Molestia, and it is debatable as to whether she is even a separate persona. Notice how in the above image of Molestia it is strait away clear who that is, even outside of her intended context.
It would then be prudent (Using the TWYS rule) to tag any picture of Celestia with pink hair should be tagged Molestia, BUT, and this is a very big but(t), not all pictures of Pink Haired Celestia are Molestia, since Celestia herself had pink hair in her younger years (According to fandom anyway).
post #435572
(I actually had to choose this picture carefully since Young Luna needed to be in the shot to confirm Celestia's age)
This makes this issue hard to judge, especially since it is not an issue shared by either of her equivalents (Pinkie Pie with strait hair is ALWAYS Pinkamena, Fluttershy with batwings is ALWAYS Flutterbat), and even more especially since it was never really decided when Celestia went from pink hair to.. Ice-cream.
So I propose three option, each with pros and cons, and two of them would make this Molly Fan happy.
Option 1: Tag all content of Celestia with pink hair princess_molestia_(mlp), UNLESS they fall into the following criteria; A. The picture is of young filly Celestia, B. The context of the picture brings the timeline to during or before the time of Nightmare Moon's first ascension, C. The context of the picture would be inappropriate for Molestia (Serious, non erotic artwork or a solem context), D. The artist has specifically called her "Celestia in her younger years" or something while making absolutely no mention of Molestia (Unless it is obviously her). Of course, if it is adult pink haired Celestia in on the obviously modern timeframe (e.g. With other characters), or the artist outright calls her Molestia, all bets are off.
Pros: Would be faithful to e621's ease of searching policy. Would allow users to find pictures of Molestia directly, rather than having to sift through pictures of Celestia.
Cons: Could potentially be hard to judge. Some artists might get offended by having their art tagged "Molestia". May lead to the molestia tag filtering out pictures of Molestia if the the molestia tag was debatable and decidedly not added.
Option 2: Tag all pictures of Celestia with pink hair with the pink hair tag. Thus allowing users to search "princess_celestia_(mlp) pink_hair"
Pros: This should be done anyway!!! Would remove the issue of ambiguity. Would also make pictures of filly Celestia easy to find (Two birds, one stone). Artists wouldn't get offended.
Cons: Would filter out Molestia's main comic since it is in monochrome! Users would be searching for two things to find one thing. Young Celestia would by mixed in with Molestia (Which might get especially awkward if the rating:e tag was thrown in).
Option 3: Do nothing. Keep princess_molestia_(mlp) aliased to princess_celestia_(mlp). And no, this is NOT a joke option, I will begrudgingly accept if you choose to do this.
Pros: Would eliminate any potential issues. Would mean less tags overall (Which frees up a bit of space I guess, not quite sure exactly how this site works internally). Best option for lazy people.
Cons: Would be in direct violation of s621's objective to make searching less convoluted. Pictures of Molestia would remain lost in a sea of normal Celestia pictures.
Should either of the first two options be chosen, I will go about making the necessary changes myself.
Obviously there is the debate of whether Princess Molestia is a notable enough character to deserve her own tag. But to prevent such a discussion from detracting from the main point of this thread, I will offer the following information and allow an Admin to make a final decision based on this information.
Molestia had her own comic series that was very popular until it was canceled on January this year.
Said comic generated a lot of fan-art over the years.
Most people who would argue that Molestia is just a joke or a meme are either simply misinformed or are going by VERY outdated information (Talking years out of date here). Molestia has been a "Real" character since the debut of the Molestia comic, and while she might have started off as a joke, she wouldn't be the first "Real" character to make her first appearance on an image-board (Cultist-Chan anyone?).
She has a unique personality that is different from her inspiration that goes beyond her sexuality schtick.
Her physical appearance is easily differentiable from that of Celestia, just like Pinkamena and Flutterbat.
Faithful fans of this unique character who go out of their way to write crap like this exist.
Updated by Char