I want to get some insight on what everyone thinks about the TWYS policy and the use of external sources. First, here's my pitch/rant.
Since this topic is usually debated quite often whenever there is a post that provokes users to "challenge"- if you will- the accuracy of the Tag What You See policy.
Now, I can see how this policy can be seen as arbitrary in a sense and be quite effective at the same time when it involves tagging an image.
But on the other hand, I like to see proper tagging just as much as the administrators and everyone else who actually gives a shit about accurate search results and black-listings. To me, this involves proper tags(character, artist, metatags, and the such) and external sources. The reason why I think it's an important factor to consider is because it gives the original intention on what the image is supposed to be. That and I've always have had this peeve where if the creator of something says there product is, it is.
I'm aware of what the site rules state about the TWYS policy and the reasoning behind it, added with the few flaws/problems it pertains. But one thing I'm wondering is the consideration from external sources of a post, regarding character names.
Exception for character names only:
You may use an OFFICIAL external source of information (the artist, commissioner, or character owner's gallery/website) when tagging a character name ONLY under the following conditions:1) The external source of information is the artist, commissioner, or character owner's own words on their own gallery or website.
2) The post must have at least SOME evidence of the claimed character and can not have any evidence that CONFLICTS with what the external source is saying (e.g. a post can't be tagged "Character A" just because the external source says so, when the post does not actually contain any evidence of "Character A", or in fact looks more like "Character B" instead.) Again, there must be at least SOME evidence that the character is who it's claimed to be, but it does not have to be definitive proof.
As you can see from the bold, if I haven't fudged up with that, the policy can be sticky at times. But there have supposedly been previous exceptions where an image where the artist says one thing about said post, but we only see it as something else, and the image is tagged as to what the artist labeled it as. But as the policy says, there must be some, indefinite or not.
Here are two contradictory examples of the TWYS policy vs. external sources, but then again, the reasoning for the tags may be the cause of something else entirely:
Here we have a very well drawn image done by one of this side of the internet's favorite artists, Doxy. According to the source to his page, the image is supposed to be Twilight Sparkle humanized. But we have perceived it as an unspecified human, besides the purple hair that can give away the impersonation. Since it does look as such, it only seems fair to deem it as such.
But there is another case where one of Doxy's works was also a humanized mlp character.
Here, we have a humanized Fluttershy. Nothing specific about it identifies it as such but we have deemed it worthy of having an identifiable character tag simply because- from what I can see-
pink hair. Not much to work with but it is here, apparently. Both images have some identifiable proof of who they are but only with an external source to prove otherwise for certain.
Another example was on a Fluttershy image, according to the official source. https://e621.net/post/show/482468/2014-anthro-butt-clitoris-close-up-detailed-female
Again, not much detail as to who it could be specifically. But we have deemed it as the contrary. An unspecified character, even though the artist himself says it was Fluttershy.
Quite the quandary here.
What I think is that the Tag What You See policy should apply to all images to the site, unless an external source, if any are available, of a post says otherwise specifically.
Tell me what everyone thinks about tagging and the purposes of involving an official source to help with tags. Tell me how you think tagging should work when it comes to factual and accurate information of posts, not interpretations because people can interpret images differently. Not everyone has the same view as everyone else.
Note: And I intentionally just wanted this to be an open debate/discussion.
Updated by Xch3l