Topic: Casuals. Casuals Everywhere. (Pokémon)

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Ugh, why is it so difficult to find a fellow furry who plays Pokémon competitively online like I do? All of them seem to admire the aesthetics of Pokémon over their capabilities in battle.

99% of them don't even know what Pokémon Showdown is. The ones I can get to battle me there who claim they are good usually have no idea what they are doing. (Bringing Keckleon into OU?! *face palm*) I'm not the greatest ever and I like to use my favorites too, but I do my best to build a set for them that makes them as competitively viable in whatever tier (If we aren't going tireless with a specific rule set) I'm playing as they possibly can be. The people I'm talking about don't seem to give a fuck.

It doesn't seem like "furry" and "competitive" are mutually exclusive. I'm living proof of that. So my question is: Why aren't there more Pokémon loving furries in the main stream competitive scene? It would be nice to know one not only to battle with, but to share moveset ideas and discuss other various bits of competitive jargon with as well as speak openly about which Pokémon is the hottest piece of ass .

Updated by ZigguratVertigo

I just never got into the competitive scene I like showdown it's pretty ok but the competitive scene just never really seemed that appealing to me

as for hottest ones I'd say my top three is 3. Hydreigon, 2. Feraligatr, and number 1. Grovile

Updated by anonymous

Theclarinetist said:
as for hottest ones I'd say my top three is 3. Hydreigon, 2. Feraligatr, and number 1. Grovile

I get Feraligatr and Grovyle, but Hydreigon? I fail to see how a muppet-handed dragon tank thing is attractive, but I won't judge.

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
I get Feraligatr and Grovyle, but Hydreigon? I fail to see how a muppet-handed dragon tank thing is attractive, but I won't judge.

I have a monster fetish...

Updated by anonymous

Smogon ruined the fun of competitive pokemon.
OU isn't a real thing, at all.

Take your OU into a real Pokemon tournament and enjoy losing to all the legendaries that aren't banned from real tournament play.

Making up what are essentially "house rules" and claiming anyone who doesn't follow them isn't playing fair isn't a valid system of competition.

I have some competition quality pokemon(EV, IV, nature, etc.), I don't recall if I finished the full team or not.
Not sure if I could even find them, I have a lot of Pokemon to dig through that I transferred from B/W2.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Smogon ruined the fun of competitive pokemon.
OU isn't a real thing, at all.

Take your OU into a real Pokemon tournament and enjoy losing to all the legendaries that aren't banned from real tournament play.

Making up what are essentially "house rules" and claiming anyone who doesn't follow them isn't playing fair isn't a valid system of competition.

Oh boy, this again.

I understand your frustration. I share your rage. People who attempt to enforce Smogon rules outside of the Smogon battle simulators or when Smogon rules are not formally agreed to by all parties involved should be bopped on the nose like the lowly naughty dogs that they are. They have given Smogonites a bad name and I would bop all of them on the nose if I could. Standard play and Smogon play are two entirely different metagames entirely and should be treated as such.

BTW the legendaries in standard play are really not all that powerful at all. (Ex: Moltres and Articuno are complete crap.) They especially lose their luster in Nintendo VGC Doubles.

In fact, looking at the rules again, even some of the banned ones aren't all that powerful.

Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Phione (is really crappy), Manaphy, Victini, Keldeo, Meloetta and Zygarde aren't super powerful at all. Not a single one of them are in Smogon's Uber tier and are more often than not outdone by regular Pokémon.

Tunguska said:
You lost me at "Competitive Pokemon."
Fucking seriously.

I fail to see why you are surprised. Anything that is PvP has the potential to become competitive, hence why Paper, Rock, Scissors tournaments are a thing.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not really into competitive right now, though I'm working on getting started. Considered it back in Gen IV, but getting a team together would have taken forever, since I'm one of those who's too stubborn to use PokeGen or a simulator.

Luckily now, breeding and EV training is way easier. I just beat the main story in Y, starting to get a team together, almost done breeding the Growlithe* I want. Hopefully. Basically just grinding the RNG at this point.

Will probably end up copying sets off of Smogon at first, then smooth things out and adapt as I go. I usually hate "netdecking" it, but I'm going to have to start somewhere.

*Very specific Arcanine I'm going for: Adamant, Morning Sun as an egg move, Justified, 31 in all IVs, male (for head starts on future breeding projects and also cause Arcanine would be the one I'm putting in my Sexymon spoilers :3c). This leaves me with a lot of "rejects" for one reason or another.

By my count, I've got 70 5IVs and 4 6IVs, all Adamant, all knowing Morning Sun (except the 5IV male and 6IV female I have in daycare will likely have it overwritten once I pull them out). They're usually just missing one IV, but it's really frustrating to get a 6IV and see that it's got the wrong ability (or is a grill).

They're also all in Luxury Balls, cause they're classy and my favorite Pokémon should be in my favorite ball. It's really cool that bred Pokémon get the ball of their mother passed down to them now.

FatherOfGray said:

Personally, my only problem with Smogon is that, right now, as early as we are into the Gen, and with Fairy-types and Megas shaking everything up, it looks like a complete mess to an "outsider" like me. Things are getting banned left and right and not everyone seems to agree with it. Or at least apparently that's what's happening. Most things XY related is scattered all through their forums, out of easy reach, the main site is still almost entirely info for Gen V, and I can't seem to find out what is supposed to be in what tier....

Paper, Rock, Scissors tournaments are a thing.

There's also this unholy abomination.

Updated by anonymous

I tried that Showdown program thing just for fun, and it didn't have Triples, so I never touched it again.

I'm also very competitive, but only for the fact that I do battle a lot Online, but I don't base my team on some resumes from Smogon or tier list.

Smogon's philosophy of giving every Pokemon a chance to be usable in battle is laughable when in standard Smogon's battles, you see the same 20 ones over and over. Also lots of Stealth Rock.

Updated by anonymous

Blodsho said:
Personally, my only problem with Smogon is that, right now, as early as we are into the Gen, and with Fairy-types and Megas shaking everything up, it looks like a complete mess to an "outsider" like me. Things are getting banned left and right and not everyone seems to agree with it. Or at least apparently that's what's happening. Most things XY related is scattered all through their forums, out of easy reach, the main site is still almost entirely info for Gen V, and I can't seem to find out what is supposed to be in what tier....

It's really not that messy, but the meta is a little uncouth right now. Because the community became impatient and demanded a new tier list be made, some Pokémon aren't where they ought to be. The issue with Smogon's tiering system is that it's created based on usage statistics first and then balanced for power later. That being said, there are some really screwed up tiering placements. (Feraligatr in NU? Seriously?) It will be a little while before everything tidies up.

As for the bans, the only major ones are Blaziken, Mega Blaziken, Mega Lucario, Mega Gengar, and Mega Kangaskhan to Uber. (I totally agree. Those Pokémon can go die in a hole, ESPECIALLY Mega Mom!) Also, Swagger is banned in OU. (I thought this was a really clumsy ban. It was Swagger + Foul Play and Swagger + Prankster that were the problem. A more complex ban excluding those combinations would have been more appropriate.)

Several Pokémon that were in UU are getting banned to Borderline (Pseudo-tier between UU and OU. Can only be used in OU though.) for suspect testing to decide where they should really end up. I think by the end of the year everything should be neat and tidy.

Neitsuke said:
I tried that Showdown program thing just for fun, and it didn't have Triples, so I never touched it again.

I'm also very competitive, but only for the fact that I do battle a lot Online, but I don't base my team on some resumes from Smogon or tier list.

Smogon's philosophy of giving every Pokemon a chance to be usable in battle is laughable when in standard Smogon's battles, you see the same 20 ones over and over. Also lots of Stealth Rock.

Triples are not in high demand amongst the community. If they were, Showdown would support Triples. Hell, it didn't support Doubles until last year.

And yes, the Pokémon CAN be usable in their respective tiers. That doesn't mean they will be used. No matter how small you group the Pokémon, the best of that group will be the most prefered. That's just how it is. If you want your favorites to gain more recognition, use them and blow the opposition away. Heliolisk jumped in usage for being a flawless counter to Azumarill in OU despite being RU right now.

Updated by anonymous

Tunguska said:
You lost me at "Competitive Pokemon."
Fucking seriously.

Competitive shopping exists :I

Updated by anonymous

And I don't even play Pokemon, so I'm a double casual.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Sweet mercy...

Don't get trampled if you buy online. :3

Updated by anonymous

FatherOfGray said:
It's really not that messy, but the meta is a little uncouth right now. Because the community became impatient and demanded a new tier list be made, some Pokémon aren't where they ought to be. The issue with Smogon's tiering system is that it's created based on usage statistics first and then balanced for power later. That being said, there are some really screwed up tiering placements. (Feraligatr in NU? Seriously?) It will be a little while before everything tidies up.

As for the bans, the only major ones are Blaziken, Mega Blaziken, Mega Lucario, Mega Gengar, and Mega Kangaskhan to Uber. (I totally agree. Those Pokémon can go die in a hole, ESPECIALLY Mega Mom!) Also, Swagger is banned in OU. (I thought this was a really clumsy ban. It was Swagger + Foul Play and Swagger + Prankster that were the problem. A more complex ban excluding those combinations would have been more appropriate.)

Several Pokémon that were in UU are getting banned to Borderline (Pseudo-tier between UU and OU. Can only be used in OU though.) for suspect testing to decide where they should really end up. I think by the end of the year everything should be neat and tidy.

Okay, I can see a lot of the sense in those bans. I knew about Mega Mom and Mega Skywalker, and I remember hearing Blaziken got banned back in Gen V after it got Speed Boost, so obviously Mega Ultra Chicken would follow suit. Some of the others are news to me, though.

The way some people made it sound was that they would ban one, which then allowed another to go unchecked, so they ban that one, and so on, until, presumably, nothing was left. On the other hand, it makes sense that it was just a vocal group that threw a tantrum because they didn't want half their team getting banhammered - children's game and all.

Either way, the sooner it gets sorted out, the better. I can't wait to be told I need to git gud.

TheHuskyK9 said:
Competitive shopping exists :I

furballs_dc said:
Black Friday...

I can't be the only one who remembers Supermarket Sweep, can I?

Updated by anonymous

This is why I don't like comp scenes at all. It's all a bunch of dickwaving and pigeonholing that lends itself to either becoming stagnant (aka "Fucking Meta-Knight" or "That damn Ken") or to holy wars not seen this side of Silicon Valley.

Audino, Nidoking, Chesnaught. All male, btw, and I am more interested in their penii.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Don't get trampled if you buy online. :3

But where's the fun in that?

FatherOfGray said:
I fail to see why you are surprised.

"Disappointed," not "surprised."

Updated by anonymous

Lugia and Charizard, preferably males

On the gaming side, in 1st gen I use Pidgeot and Nidoqueen, they seem to make a good combination of speed and power, and they're both complementary (ie Pidgeot is weak against electric, but Nidoqueen is venom-ground, therefore resistant against them)

On 2nd gen I used Totodile over all. I did not even bother to evolve it to Feraligatr, was too cute. So I had a level 78 Totodile. This is the only game I didn't choose the fire-type starter.

I don't remember which ones I used on the later. Hadn't played anything newer than Pokémon Crystal for a good while :/

Updated by anonymous

Welp, last night, I finally hatched the Growlithe I was hoping for. I've already started work on a Shellder. In the meantime, if anyone's interested, I've got three boxes of puppies, free to good homes. Take your pick.

Fun fact time: I started this breeding project with only one female, and two males that I caught in the Friend Safari (named F1, M1, and M2, of course), as well as the Espeon that I used to get Morning Sun as an Egg Move. By the time it was over, I had hatched up to F56 and M159. I only kept the ones with at least 5 perfect IVs, the other 132 were released.

Any reports that the wildfires currently sweeping across the Kalos region have any correlation whatsoever to the recent spike in the wild Growlithe population are entirely fabricated.

Updated by anonymous

Blodsho said:
Welp, last night, I finally hatched the Growlithe I was hoping for. I've already started work on a Shellder. In the meantime, if anyone's interested, I've got three boxes of puppies, free to good homes. Take your pick.

Fun fact time: I started this breeding project with only one female, and two males that I caught in the Friend Safari (named F1, M1, and M2, of course), as well as the Espeon that I used to get Morning Sun as an Egg Move. By the time it was over, I had hatched up to F56 and M159. I only kept the ones with at least 5 perfect IVs, the other 132 were released.

Any reports that the wildfires currently sweeping across the Kalos region have any correlation whatsoever to the recent spike in the wild Growlithe population are entirely fabricated.

I have a fantastic Cloyster.
You doing a shell smash/skill link build?

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
I have a fantastic Cloyster.
You doing a shell smash/skill link build?

Yep. Going to go for Shell Smash, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, and maybe Rapid Spin. RS will depend mostly on how vulnerable I think my team's going to end up being to entry hazards (especially worried about good ol' Incognito Ingeous right now).

Updated by anonymous

Blodsho said:
Yep. Going to go for Shell Smash, Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, and maybe Rapid Spin. RS will depend mostly on how vulnerable I think my team's going to end up being to entry hazards (especially worried about good ol' Incognito Ingeous right now).

I went razor shell for the STAB and type coverage.
I lead with him, and if I can manage 2 shell smashes he basically sweeps everything in 1 hit.
With one shell smash, and that type coverage it knocks close to 90% of enemies down in 1 shot.

Only problem was if they lead with a special attack heavy guy that has super effective type coverage. Basically only fighting and electric, since rock dies to razor shell and has suck for special attacks anyway, and grass dies hard to icicle spear.
And for fighting type I had a Quiver Dance Volcarona to swap in on, and electric I had an Excadrill(though I prefer to revenge kill with him after Tyranitar dies).

Please keep in mind this was all my B/W team, I haven't worked out a new X/Y one yet.

Updated by anonymous

Well, I love seeing hardcore smogoners raging (the ones who see smogon as the only truth) when you beat they perfectly trained smogon based pokemons with weird strategies like using a shuckle.

Although I think some of the movesets that smogon gives are good, i think not all of them see the full potential.
also, banning swagger made me laugh.

Updated by anonymous

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