Topic: Tag Alias: vixen -> fox

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

While you're at it, why not alias mare to horse?

Updated by anonymous

Fox refers to the species as whole (both male and female)
Vixens are Female foxes.
I say keep separate.
Same goes with any species

Updated by anonymous

Thatfoxthere said:
Fox refers to the species as whole (both male and female)
Vixens are Female foxes.
I say keep separate.
Same goes with any species

Why not extend this to include subspecies of foxes too? fennec_vixen, fennec_fox, red_vixen, red_fox.

What about child versions too: kitten, puppy, kit.

It's needless duplication.

As far as the search is concerned, a fox isn't a fox, because it's female.

Updated by anonymous

@Thatfoxthere: If a person wants to find female foxes then they can just add the 'female' tag to their search.

Updated by anonymous

I could go eiher way on this, honestly.

But in that same regard.. unless someone is going to tag EVERY female fox with vixen, every female horse with mare, every female dog with bitch, every female cat with queen, every male cat with tom, every male horse with stallion, every male fox with reynard/tod....

... yeah.. I think it's better to say that vixen -> Fox
...could we also do an implication for vixen -> female additionally? I don't know how aliases/implications work exactly.. is it a one-or-the-other deal? Probably too complicated...

No, Vixen -> fox, definetly. If you want to see female foxes, search "fox female"

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
I could go eiher way on this, honestly.

But in that same regard.. unless someone is going to tag EVERY female fox with vixen, every female horse with mare, every female dog with bitch, every female cat with queen, every male cat with tom, every male horse with stallion, every male fox with reynard/tod....

... yeah.. I think it's better to say that vixen -> Fox
...could we also do an implication for vixen -> female additionally? I don't know how aliases/implications work exactly.. is it a one-or-the-other deal? Probably too complicated...

No, Vixen -> fox, definetly. If you want to see female foxes, search "fox female"

you don't always get the female fox that way. might get an ambiguous with a female of another species

Updated by anonymous

Yes, but that's true for ANY search.

As said, unless we're going to tag mare, bitch, queen, tod, tom, stallion or female_horse, male_dog, female_pig, female_fox on every picture... then it's not really 'fair'... the only reason people know that a vixen is a female fox is because the word vixen has other meanings which we associate with foxes.

While I'd argue there might be a valid point in tagging male_horse, and female_skunk on appropriate pics, I jsut can't get behind the idea of vixen, just because you can't use the same words for the rest of the fandom.

Partly, this is because no one would have a clue what, say, an empress or a jimmy is, much less a tiercel or dictator. (Female Chimp, male crab, male hawk, and male lemur, respectively)... not to mention the huge amounts of confusion over the words that cover multiple species: Everyone knows a buck is a deer. But it's also a rabbit, rat, squirrel, Tarsier, weasel, antelope, gerbil, goat, hamster, kangaroo, hamster, and mouse. When you say "Cow" do you mean the things that go moo, or a manatee? Perhaps a tapir? or a whale? Is that queen a cat, or a wasp?

See my point? WAY better to have the tags separate, or to push for female_duck tags. Everyone might know that a leopardess is a female leopard, after all, but is that princess a lemur or a piece of a royal family?

Updated by anonymous

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