Topic: "SHUT UP YOU FUCKING RACIST": I'm trying to find the taken-down Helena Söderberg image elsewhere. Please help!

Posted under Art Talk

It was the one where:

Female fox, holding the American flag. Sings "Oh say can you see..." Response is positive.

Female cat, holding the Swedish flag. Sings "Ja, jag vill dö i Norden..." (the Swedish national anthem). Response: "SHUT UP YOU FUCKING RACIST"

The date was 2007. 2002 if not that, but I'm pretty sure 2007.

I recall seeing it on here. I'm pretty sure I favorited it, And now it's taken down.

Since Google was of little use for this, I've tried e621, her personal website, her DeviantArt, her VCL gallery, and asking Reddit. I got nothing. Can anyone help me?

Edit: never mind, it was on my computer the whole time


Munkelzahn said:

Thanks, I had a hard time navigating to all these disparate sites when she hasn't been active on most of them in years.


This is why I use image-hosting sites instead of broken links

Munkelzahn said:
It's the same in Germany. Saying that you like your country is VERBOTEN.
Patriotism is semi-ok if you do it ironically:
Maybe in 6 million years things will have returned to normal.

So basically, you're supposed to hate the state enough to not be proud of a citizenship that a lot of refugees want but can never have since they have no German ancestry...

...but love the state enough to hand in your guns, given it the money you earned, and most of all let the government determine for you what you're allowed to read or hear.

Makes sense.

It's almost as retarded as saying "I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God." Which we all did in class every day in a bizarre flag-worship ritual. It's nice how your average Bible Belt citizen just pretends Thomas Jefferson and all the other Deist Founding Fathers who pissed on the Bible and Christianity didn't exist.

Keep in mind, I was still a Christian the whole time and it still didn't fucking feel right.

Is it true that in the German language, "National Socialist," "racist" and "Fascist" have strongly negative connotations but "authoritarian," "collectivist", and "socialist" don't? Because that's kind of the case in the English language, and it kind of explains the mentality of Social Democrats: they don't object to the authoritarianism, just the right-wing-ness. In the English-speaking world, it seems like "Nazi" is an insult used on everything; calling something "collectivist" as an insult brands you as a Randroid.

TL;DR Anarcho-capitalism >> national pride > Cultural Marxism

Forgive my rant.

Updated by anonymous

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