Topic: Tag Alias: zoo -> bestiality

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Zoo is short for zoophilia/zoosexuality, which seems to be a term that furries in particular like better than bestiality. Mainly because zoo implies love/emotions towards the animal, whereas bestiality does not.

Or at least that's the way I always understood the argument.

edit: I think it's hilarious that Anthrocon comes up under define:zoo.

Updated by anonymous

call it "zoophilia" then

"zoo" by itself is too ambiguous

Updated by anonymous

null0100 said:
call it "zoophilia" then

"zoo" by itself is too ambiguous

Ill settle for zoophilia. Although bestiality is the standard amongst Danbooru-like imageboards.

Although, I do wonder if there are any posts with zoo that don't match bestiality.

Updated by anonymous

well, likely not, as most people having sex in a Zoo setting will probably be doing it with a feral partner of some sort. :p

However, ultimatly, a ZOO is a setting, Zoophilia/bestiality is a kink/fetish.

Ultimately, I like 'zoophilia' better myself. Everyone I've spoken to, or read seems to have the same sort of bent as Hellacious says... People who draw art where an animal seems to be a 'tool'--smaller unintelligent eyes, if the face is even featured at all--tend to refer to it as beast.. while those with more 'intelligent' looking animals, and seem to portray more of a 'partnership' seem to refer to it as zoo.

Compare post #86168 and post #87172 to post #85060 and post #85255 ... er.. anyway, I'm off topic... There's a distinct difference between the two and furries typically prefer zoophilia as a word and as a concept. :)

As for zoos as a location... post #81484 post #87172 post #79570 post #67463 and those are pulled from a /very/ quick skimming through the first few pages of the tag. there's a number of stables and kennels as well...

I might suggest that bestiality -> zoophilia instead...

Also, given the 'trouble'.. maybe zoo_(location) (or similar) should be added to posts set in such a location...

Updated by anonymous

I don't like the idea of having both bestiality and zoophilia tags, as the difference is too small and often conflicts with "tag what is depicted, not what the artist says it depicts".

Updated by anonymous

Mysterious_Fox said:
Although, I do wonder if there are any posts with zoo that don't match bestiality.

I can be fairly certain than there isn't. I've spent allot of time combing through all 28 pages (and checking back from time to time) to make sure that there isn't any anthro/animal art. Currently, zoo is defined ( by a human presence in the picture, and the tag got cluttered up with allot of incorrectly labeled images. I've spent way to much time patrolling the tag for someone who isn't even into the fetish...

Unless you were talking about the difference between zoophilia and bestiality. That's a subjective argument I won't get anywhere near. Which is why using two separate tags would just be ridiculous.

Updated by anonymous

Mysterious_Fox said:
I don't like the idea of having both bestiality and zoophilia tags, as the difference is too small and often conflicts with "tag what is depicted, not what the artist says it depicts".

Ah, I'm sorry! I realize now that I rambled about an idea and didn't actually follow through with the idea: I agree.. there should only be one tag, just that there's a difference in the two, and that that's partly why furries prefer one over the other, and why Zoophilia ought to be the tag we default to.

Not to mention, this whole thing gets munged up even more when you bring ferals into the picture

Anyway, I still support bestiality -> zoophilia and the addition of a zoo (location) as I personally DID find a few images with people in a ZOO, and I know there's a series of cub pictures out there involving a zoo.. (I couldn't find it immediatly, though... most cubs in costumes and bondage, I think... can't remember who they're by..)

the way I look at it, the whole tag/fetish probably needs tidying up, if we can find and agree on what covers what...

Updated by anonymous

I think "bestiality" became aliased to zoo, because too many people typo "bestiality" and mangle the spelling so badly. Then, you ultimately end up with 1,000 or more different images with "bestiality" being incorrectly spelled in some way or another...

That's my conclusion...

Updated by anonymous

WolfieWolfie1992 said:
I think "bestiality" became aliased to zoo, because too many people typo "bestiality" and mangle the spelling so badly. Then, you ultimately end up with 1,000 or more different images with "bestiality" being incorrectly spelled in some way or another...

That's my conclusion...

I'd agree, as long as 'zoo' is actually 'zoophilia' ... because a zoo is a location. :)

Updated by anonymous

cookiekangaroo said:
why not just use feral and avoid any confusion?

Feral on feral isn't bestiality, it needs to be human on feral.

Updated by anonymous

cookiekangaroo said:
why not just use feral and avoid any confusion?

Because feral refers to the configuration of body parts. post #96344 contains ferals in it. Two 4-legged beasts frolicking in the snow together. There's no sexual activity involved. It's feral because the characters are about 95% animal.

Sex between two ferals and a furry and a feral is generally considered just sex. The idea is that both are intelligent beings that just happen to look different physically.

Zooohilia/bestiality is sex between a human and a 'feral' creature.

Maybe there ought to be a tag for feral-on-feral action?

Anyway, in any event, feral isn't zoophilia.

Updated by anonymous

Of course it is ultimately the mods' choice... but the mods are not god. The purpose of the discussion here is to bring up and share ideas, and brining up supporting facts to your point. This way, the mods can get an idea of what the community wants. I try (don't always) to raise points that are different to what everyone else has already said, either for or against to offer another viewpoint and to bring up ideas that no one else has potentially considered. In most cases, I don't really deeply CARE about the outcome, simply about sharing concepts in the hopes of turning everyone to the same page so that when a choice is made, fewer people will (probably) complain, as well as trying to make a lasting solution that everyone can be happy with.

.... This is website based around community participation. This is a forum made for discussing things related to the community. Phrasing, word choices, and aliases are/were community choices. (Why 'pussy' and not 'vagina'? why 'penis' and not 'cock'?)... at current, all aliases are posted on the forums and left open for discussion rather then being locked automatically. If the mods want to discourage such discussion, then they should say so. Otherwise, I'mma keep sharing my 2 cents.

Updated by anonymous

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