Topic: New Tag

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

i don't know how to use the alias or implication or whatever. i was just thinking it would be nice to have an eeveelution tag. any thoughts? i'm guessing a lot of you won't agree =P

Updated by null0010

On the one hand, the eevee wiki page should have a list of derivatives, and that could be considered sufficient.

On the other hand, that's not really usable for searching unless you want to go through them one species at a time, and they are a related collective that might merit an umbrella tag.


Updated by anonymous

I think an umbrella tag for all the eeveelutions would be very nice.

Updated by anonymous

I don't think any aliases or implicatiosn are really needed here are they? Just go through and start tagging appropriate works with Eeveevolution or eevee_evolution (I prefer that one) ... just be ready to finish what you start. :)

Oh, hm, I guess you could say, like, anything tagged with Umbreon also gets the tag eevee_evolution.. that might be easier...

*sleepy blink*

Updated by anonymous

Well, if an umbrella tag is to be used, then generally speaking the things it includes should imply it in order to make it actually functional. Considering there are something like a thousand images that include one of those tags, it could take quite a while to manually add it to each (and everybody to ever add an image that would fit after that would have to know of the tag's existence and remember to add it).

And personally I'd suggest 'eevee_evolution' over 'eeveelution', as the first is more direct.

Updated by anonymous

acct0283476 said:
And personally I'd suggest 'eevee_evolution' over 'eeveelution', as the first is more direct.


Updated by anonymous

i support the umbrella tag implication

flareon implies eevee_evolution
vaporeon implies eevee_evolution

and so on

Updated by anonymous

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