Topic: tag: "tigron" what is it?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Maybe someone just meant "tigon", but after seeing tigron, I wasn't sure if it was a character name, artist, or a made up species that was just a tigon and people were idiots.

Any clarification from the community?

Updated by WolfieWolfie1992

WolfieWolfie1992 said:
Looking here:
and here:

and then looking at the tag "tigron":

I have determined it to be a species.

Tiger/Lion hybrid.

(Tig)e(r) li(on) = tigron

That seems to be the proper spelling. "tigon" was just a misspelling.

According to both are wrong, it's Tiglon for the tiger(male)/lion(female) hybrid, with Liger as a Lion(male)/tiger(female) hybrid. Of course, when herms are involved, I guess it gets confusing..

Updated by anonymous

Based on a grief search on tigron, only that image with Rei-vegan's character fits the "tiger/dragon hybrid) citera. The rest are probably tiglons or ligers.

Updated by anonymous

Lyokira said:
Based on a grief search on tigron, only that image with Rei-vegan's character fits the "tiger/dragon hybrid) citera. The rest are probably tiglons or ligers.

Maybe someone mistakenly tagged them as such, or had the wrong idea...
I'll leave it up to whoever to correct them if the need arises. I can't, because I am clueless as well! lmao

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
hybrids are so 1990's and furcadia


Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
hybrids are so 1990's and furcadia

I dunno...they seem to be all the rage with young people nowadays. They say they get better gas mileage and are more environmentally friendly than regular old gasoline vehicles...

Updated by anonymous

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