Topic: top tv shows to have bad first impressions( you might fin this topic to be frequently updated)

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starting with me

pokemon: despite some cons(more than pros)this was a big hit especially with its games and cards, how about now?not getting better as the characters are still annoying and is repeating the same formula a little to much.

kim possible:this shows has got to be the most well known tv shows to have the worst first impressions(even morre so than pokemon) only those who actually sit down and whatch it can see how intertaining this show can be from start to finish I personally liked how it ended.this shows been remembered for its clever writeng and plotwist.

sonic x:with few words to describe this one 4KIDS.TV RUINED IT.not beleiveing sonic to be kid friendly the remove everything that was suppose to make it good just to make it kid freindly and now people(who never heard of the character are thinking that maybe the video games suck too
and of couse the japanese version is better because everything is till there.

transformers animated:kim possible may have had it rough but
this shows had it worse especially if your a die hard fan of the origanal generation1 cartoon it's wondered by maney those fans even bothered to actually enjoy it upon watching it'
atomic betty:I was shocked to find out that this show of all shows had such a bad reputation as only the few who sat down and whatch seem to now how enjoyable it is

marvel super hero squad:based off the hasbro toy collection. this show nearly made people pee there pants with its humor.although a lot of fans who read the comics and whatched the origanil(pardon my spelling)tv series really hate this show.

X-men evolution:its a known fact that latly the desiugners keep relying on anime style aproach at cartoons with mostly bad,mixed or overrated results but this show was great since it stayed true to what the show itself is and not looking like a parody.

adventure time with fin and jake:surprisingly this show can be quit entertaining voice acting,humor, and writing,I thought it would be just another kiddy show but my cousin told me how he is shocked that they let the show on due to its violence.especially since there making shows only for the really young kids now which explains why cartoons nowadays are starting to suck in other words they are taking the least approach at violence this show broke that rule, I watched it and like I said itis great.

star wars the clone wars:compared to the earlyer one this new one went off to a rocky and rough start with the first episode being from what I can guess a hit or miss seeing as I really enjoyed it but most other fans didn't for some reason,but slowly it's becomeing quite enjoyeble if not more so maney wonder if it's going to surpass the origanle.

transformers beast wars: a lot of people thought this show was pretty brutal. for one thing the characters were actually getting hit when everyone starts shooting there blasters and missile and other weapons as a result of this hasbro had to take over and thus beast machines was born.

transformers beast machines:first came the characters new forms as cool as they were,then came the character development following it optimus reduced to a indeceive, disturbed,argumentive,angry guru/prophet.ratrap having no weapons and can bearly defend himself and not to mention hes not funny anymore.cheetor being turned into a rebelious teenager. Blackarachnia is pretty much the same which is the good news. pretty much everyone becomes unpleasent and incase anyone was wondering megatron seem to have losed his mind spouting out about how he wants to liberate all transformers kind from the chaos of free will and how he hates organics till the the ponit where it drives him even more insane which was indeed odd.and finally how everyone transforms...they simply clear there minds and then*I am transformed* and just like that in a flash of light there transformed. basiclly this shows just was;nt very transformers like.

kirby right back at ya: althought most pwople don't know it but ruined this one too just to make kid friendly yhis seriously pisses me and other fans off since they kept editing stuff out and whats worse is the fact that latly parents have been more overprotective of there kids with what they whatch on tv especially shows based on video games for those who are kirby fans just whatch the japanese version on youtube as it has a more accriate character development( Dee Dee Dee is not a car salesman, Meta Knight is not Zoro, and Blade Knight is not some bumbiling old man who nobody can understand),story and musc(like sonic x) even non japanese adults are saying those edits arent necassary.someone smarter then that else should have dubbed it.

#2 until further notice
my little pony friendship is magic:by now you guys should know the details my little pony has always ben more gear towards girls but this one (which was done by a married couple who worked on designing the powerpuff girls show
and they did a fantastic job. if you think you have corage to sit down and watch regardless of people calling you names and other stuff like that then you will definetly enjoy this.but as I mention a little earlier comment people l]kept saying that the this verision is stupid and the animation is cheap which but maybe because people are not liking remakes anymore more or somthing.

#1 until further notice
iron man armored adventures:I hate to say but this show had the worse impression ever, not to mention many fans like myself are upset at what they did with it. from waht they are saying on the internet this show is getting better but I'm not convinced the only time it ever got interesting was when the hulk and that boy whos name always escapes me,and MODOK enters the mix, its is mention that docter doom is gonna get involve soon along with ultimet nick furry, it is interesting but I don't im gonna bother whatching this show unless stuff like that is happening.there is a lesson to be learn for designers and writers everywhere never mess with everyones favorite franchises unless you know what your doing.

until further notice all of these show will remain at there respective post on the poll until furter notice. and no I'm not underage call me underage agin and I will summon exodia the forbidden one on you.

Updated by Varka

the only show i ever watched, that you mentioned, was pokémon .-.

Updated by anonymous

i watched all of sonic x, and the main issue, was that sonic WASN'T the main character. chris thornDIKE was, and no one liked him.

Updated by anonymous

everything lately except metalocalypse and venture bros and adventure time. maybe regular show.

Updated by anonymous

Um. Dude. Pokemon the video game came first.

WolfieWolfie1992 said:
How much does anyone want to bet that "conkerfan" is underage?
Anyone? Anyone?

Don't start shit.

Updated by anonymous

Transformers: Animated and X-Men: Evolution are both surprisingly faithful to the source material, and full of quality animation and storytelling.

Updated by anonymous

I tried the pony show and made it about 5 minutes in. It was awful, I don't see what the buzz is about.

Updated by anonymous

WolfieWolfie1992 said:
How much does anyone want to bet that "conkerfan" is underage?
Anyone? Anyone?

+1 to count

Updated by anonymous

JimmyJ said:
I tried the pony show and made it about 5 minutes in. It was awful, I don't see what the buzz is about.

well cartoons have been coming out horrible lately so this show pretty much killed my bordom... I never said everyones gonna like it by the way.

Updated by anonymous

WolfieWolfie1992 said:
How much does anyone want to bet that "conkerfan" is underage?
Anyone? Anyone?


Updated by anonymous

you guys must be testing my thoughts about not caring about what someone else says or something posting all those comments about me,for the record Im not underage I just like the new my little pony because the characters aren't so annoying and as most people noted this show does'nt forse knowledge down a kids throat. I have no ideal why people think the origaniles were better and had sexyier characters I mean cmon the characters and plot and animation was cheesy.

Updated by anonymous

The originals are established. they're the stuff people grew up on. The plot is typical of the 80's.. and of a kid's cartoon back then. it's old. :P there's a difference. this is a new thing, and new things always take time to get used to. If this thing only lasts a season, then it'll be a blip in memory. The originals have been around for 25 years. Give it time.

also, I suspect that people don't think that you're underage because of the cartoon, but rather because your spelling, punctuation and grammar is pretty horrible... no offense intended.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
The originals are established. they're the stuff people grew up on. The plot is typical of the 80's.. and of a kid's cartoon back then. it's old. :P there's a difference. this is a new thing, and new things always take time to get used to. If this thing only lasts a season, then it'll be a blip in memory. The originals have been around for 25 years. Give it time.

also, I suspect that people don't think that you're underage because of the cartoon, but rather because your spelling, punctuation and grammar is pretty horrible... no offense intended.

I knew all of that I wasn't that serious about all of that really. I never grew up on he-man and even I knew and felt that the remake was a bit overated hech I grew up with teenage mutant ninja turtles and it took time to warm up to the dark parts of the remake,that punishment backster stock received was a tad graphical for kids,and that new irom amn and speed racer shows was bad to me. don't get me wrong I love 80s plots, I just didn't really like the origanle my little pony series.and my spelling is only a little off just so you know.

Updated by anonymous

Hey guys,

I'm locking this thread out of principle. All future threads by 'conkerfan' will also be considered for immediate locking, as they are really way way off topic and generally horrible to try and read.

This isn't Daycare.

Updated by anonymous

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