Topic: Character and Artist have the same name

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

How would one fix this? For example, #111186 has a character named Ziggy. However, that is also an artists name. how do we differentiate the two? I figured Ziggy_artist, but I want to ensure I'm not reinventing the wheel, so to speak. Neither supplies any more name then Ziggy. Additionally, when tho characters have the same name, how do we differentiate those two, also?

Updated by WolfieWolfie1992

Use either ziggy_(character) for the character, or ziggy_(artist) for the artist. Don't ask me how to decide on which one to use, though (generally we don't separate them both, just change one of the tags).

Updated by anonymous

In situations where there might be numerous posts on a character, (that is to say, enough to make 'filtering' out one character worth it, not one or two)... I've seen on or two tags like Character:Bob_(Blue_fox) and character:(Bob)_(unicorn) or character:Bob_(TMNT) or character:bob_(Sam's) or some such.

Updated by anonymous

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