Topic: ZOMG, REAL ART THEFT!!! (No, seriously. This is important.)

Posted under Off Topic

Like most grand adventures, be it Egyptian revolutions or seeing that one guy that kinda looked like Phillip Seymour Hoffman while shopping at Wal-Mart, this one starts out the same as most other do; good ol' fashion boredrom.

I started out with a quest though the pastepin, looking at all the old stuff people posted. Then, I decided for personal lols to look up 'furry' in pastebin.

Unfortunately, it yield mostly uninteresting results... chat logs, RP ideas, those usual group of Furry dunderheads that probably roleplay with pictures. Then boom, I saw this link:

Curiosity got the better of me, because the URL was so goddamn generic it could have been a secondary character on Full House. Once I clicked on it, however, I discovered that something was rotten in the state of Denmark.

These honest-to-God assholes are trying to make a quick buck off of furry pronz!

Clicking around leads to more, strange discoveries as well..

  • Some of the items are free (I think.)
  • Other items are obviously from artist(s) folios/websites that you have to pay for.
  • Some of it cub porn that's blatantly on their front pages.
  • The all the links lead back to a site called

Now, this leads me to believe one of two things. One is that these guys actually took the time to track down artists and negotiate contracts with the artists in which they get pennies on the dollar.

More likely is that they're just stealing it so they can roll in dem duckets.

I'm sure we all agree that some artists are blowhards or just down right awful people. Yet, stealing to earn a quick buck is a different thing entirely. Not only that, but it may also be stealing from Hentai artists and all the fine folks that make real, dick-in-the-cunt pornography that star actual IRL humans.

I'm no artist and I know e621ians aren't my personal army, but perhaps we could do something? At the very least, spread the word?

Updated by user 26745

weoweoweo someone call the internet police

Updated by anonymous

This is old news. Sadly I don't have contact with any stolen art's artist.

Updated by anonymous

If it's outsourced in China, you're in bad luck. Any and all 'stolen' art might not be subject to removal in another jurisdiction that the law can't reach. So for the artists that want to send a DMCA to the site, they might have been rejected because the DMCA is an american law and is only effective in america.

So, yeah.

Sucks to be them. :P

Updated by anonymous

I've dealt with adult-empire takedowns before; if you send in a valid DMCA they'll just take your stuff down in under 48hrs without issue.

Their policy generally is 'steal first, ask questions later'.

Updated by anonymous

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