Did I miss something? What happened? O.o it's as if Sinister Taz/Betawolf never had any images at all.
Unless I'm paranoid and I missed something in my search for the images... like a certain artist title >>;
Updated by user 26745
Posted under Art Talk
Did I miss something? What happened? O.o it's as if Sinister Taz/Betawolf never had any images at all.
Unless I'm paranoid and I missed something in my search for the images... like a certain artist title >>;
Updated by user 26745
Artists can request all of their work to be removed from the site. That's the most likely explanation.
The second most likely?
Updated by anonymous
KloH0und said:
oooOOOOOooooOOOOOoooo haunted pornography ooOOOOoooooo
Updated by anonymous
Did someone rage quit the internet. yes they did.. yes they did.
Updated by anonymous
some people are too much of a big pansy to take a little heat
Updated by anonymous
Sherlykaru owns all of Betawolf's work now.
Updated by Donovan DMC