Topic: Naming conventions for anime characters

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

So we should decide whether to use Japanese naming conventions or English naming conventions for anime characters. Personally, I would like to use the English ones, because, well, we're not Danbooru, but people might be used to how they are referred to in the anime. Or something. So, thoughts?


I prefer the American ones, if only because I rarely know the Japanese ones. On the other hand, I've never uploaded a pic relating to an anime.

Updated by anonymous

Huh? I thought we already established that we use English names when available.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Huh? I thought we already established that we use English names when available.

Forgive my ignorance, but where was this stated?

Updated by anonymous

Actually, this is an English site. So English terms/names should be used... you know what, forget about the initial topic of discussion, I'm changing them all to English. So if people could get a list in here of character names that need changing, that would be helpful so I can fix them faster.

Updated by anonymous

I thought I remember reading a discussion about it before, and it ended with deciding to use English names over Japanese ones. It's a really fuzzy memory, so there might not have been just between regular users with no mods involved.

Or maybe I just imagined the whole thing.

At any rate, I second using English names over Japanese ones when possible.

Edit: one stormy night is the English name for arashi no yoru ni.

As far as I can tell, the English names of all of the characters in the series are all the same as the Japanese ones.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
I thought I remember reading a discussion about it before, and it ended with deciding to use English names over Japanese ones. It's a really fuzzy memory, so there might not have been just between regular users with no mods involved.

Or maybe I just imagined the whole thing.

forum #1010 Also, the japanese term for sea angels (zanburg) is most popular on here, it seems.

Updated by anonymous

Wow. No wonder I forgot; that thread dates back to e621 1.0.

Updated by anonymous

I think it should depend.. if it's a matter of last name first name, sure... but if we're talking about, say, a character named hikari in Japanese, and Millie in english, i'd kinda advocate having BOTH tagged, but.. hikari_tanaka and Tanaka_hikari aren't too far apart and anyone can figure out "oh, let's try that way instead.

Both are legitimate names, and having both Hikari and Millie would make for more COMPLETE tagging. It's not like we want tagging to be minimalistic or anything. quite the oposite.

So why NOT have arashi no yoru ni AND one stormy night?

for neatness... could they imply the other?

That is, hikari implies millie, millie implies hikari? or is that evily circular?

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
And just for a reminder, you use quick post links in the same way you would search. arashi no yoru ni doesn't work. arashi_no_yoru_ni does.


SnowWolf said:
Both are legitimate names, and having both Hikari and Millie would make for more COMPLETE tagging.

It's a little deceptive, though. A person with absolutely no knowledge of the character might think there are two people in a picture that features only one.

Personally, I'd prefer an alias to an implication. That way, if someone searches for the Japanese name they'll still get what they're looking for. And if they tag a picture with the Japanese name they'll get what we're looking for. :p

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
So why NOT have arashi no yoru ni AND one stormy night?

Because they both mean the same thing! And one stormy night is the english name, so we prefer that. Apparently.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:It's a little deceptive, though. A person with absolutely no knowledge of the character might think there are two people in a picture that features only one.

But that's their failing. Idealy, every character will have a mage on the wiki saying "Millie from AnimeX. In the japanese version, she's called Hikari."

besides, if Hikari, Millie and Bob abd Shido are all 4 tagged in a picture with 2 people, people can MAKE assumptions. if they can't figure it out, then they're either too stupid, or it needs clarification somehow (like via the wiki)...

Personally, I'd prefer an alias to an implication. That way, if someone searches for the Japanese name they'll still get what they're looking for. And if they tag a picture with the Japanese name they'll get what we're looking for. :p

I supose that'd work too. :P BUT... yeah.

Riversyde said:
Because they both mean the same thing! And one stormy night is the english name, so we prefer that. Apparently.

but... One stormy night is the 'literal' title. the english dub available is a fan dub (sorta).... what if some US company decideds to translate it and calls it.. I dunno "The Sheep and The Wolf" or "Wolf's Wool" or something silly like that. Then what? Do you call it the original Japanese name? Arashi_no_yoru_ni? do you call it the fan/literal translation of One Stormy Night? or do you call it Peter and the Wool?

How about Neke no Ongaeshi? the literal translation is "the Cat's repayment" or "the cat returns a favor" .. instead, the dubbing company calls it "the cat returns"... or the ever popular 'spirited away' who's japanese name--sen to chihiro no kamikakushi ("Sen and Chihiro's mysterious disappearance")--is considerably different.

most are pretty straigth forward.. but I don't see a reason not to use both where we can... if both are commonly used.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
It's a little deceptive, though. A person with absolutely no knowledge of the character might think there are two people in a picture that features only one.

Ideally someone will create a wiki article for them that mentions the alternate name.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
but... One stormy night is the 'literal' title. the english dub available is a fan dub (sorta).... what if some US company decideds to translate it and calls it.. I dunno "The Sheep and The Wolf" or "Wolf's Wool" or something silly like that. Then what? Do you call it the original Japanese name? Arashi_no_yoru_ni? do you call it the fan/literal translation of One Stormy Night? or do you call it Peter and the Wool?

How about Neke no Ongaeshi? the literal translation is "the Cat's repayment" or "the cat returns a favor" .. instead, the dubbing company calls it "the cat returns"... or the ever popular 'spirited away' who's japanese name--sen to chihiro no kamikakushi ("Sen and Chihiro's mysterious disappearance")--is considerably different.

most are pretty straigth forward.. but I don't see a reason not to use both where we can... if both are commonly used.

Both are not commonly used in English-speaking countries...

Updated by anonymous

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