Topic: Your Opinion: Do you think this sh*ts real?

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Meh, it's just some Christians who can read their bible, which openly states that no one will be able to predict the end of the world. I don't really like the religion regardless, but these morons are poor representatives of it.

Updated by anonymous

End of the world crap?
If those predictions came true,world would have ended like 200 years ago.

Updated by anonymous

Sorry, Cthulhu called dibs. Besides, Jesus is too bad to waste food, while Cthulhu eats every bite.

Updated by anonymous

The world WILL end one day when the Sun balloons out to red giant size. But, our planet will get much to hot to support life far before then. Most of us (and by us I mean far distant progeny) probably won't survive after the caldera in Yellowstone blows anyway.

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
Sorry, Cthulhu called dibs. Besides, Jesus is too bad to waste food, while Cthulhu eats every bite.

Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

Updated by anonymous

Mr._Disturbing said:
Can somebody explain the math that was used to arive at that number?

I am good with numbers and it still makes no sense.

From what I can tell, it's based on adding up key numbers based on the age of the Earth. The trouble is that they believe the Earth is only 7,000 years old, so they're completely incompetent even by false prophet standards.

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
From what I can tell, it's based on adding up key numbers based on the age of the Earth. The trouble is that they believe the Earth is only 7,000 years old, so their completely incompetent even by false prophet standards.

Thanks for the help, it makes more sense now.

7,000 years is a very short time for the age of the planet, but it's not my religion and I'm not one to pass judgement.

Updated by anonymous

Shatari said:
Meh, it's just some Christians who can read their bible, which openly states that no one will be able to predict the end of the world.

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
hmm i wonder how many times the world ends a year...


Updated by anonymous

My plans are to watch a bunch of blogtv shows, and play a drinking game with friends. It's going to be a fun night.

Updated by anonymous

I don't honestly know what math and numbers he used, but regardless of how legit the rest of his calculations are, they're all based on the idea that he knows when the Jewish festival of Passover was the year that Christ died. That is literally impossible, because it wasn't on a set date until a few hundred years later. So even if you're able to extrapolate backwards and figure out when it /should/ have been that year, it probably wasn't. Passover occurred based on when the barley was ripe. It was always after the barley was ripe. Jews would insert an extra month of however many days were necessary if the barley took longer than usual to ripen.

So, I don't believe it will happen for more reasons than just that I'm a staunch atheist. Those guys also claim it'll happen at 6 pm, no matter where you are in the world. That's preposterous, our time zones are based on arbitrarily calling GMT our zero-meridian, plus the fact that China is all one time-zone, even though it spans several. IF it goes down, it's more likely to happen at local solar noon, when the sun is at the highest point.

TL;DR Nope. It's pure bs.

Updated by anonymous

FurZ said:
This end of the world shit is only pulled to make money, and they do pretty well, for their effort.

Yes, they've made over $100,000,000 in the last seven years. I'm starting to look into religion myself. ^.^

Updated by anonymous

Well it looks like we will find out tommorow. I for one, am going to watch the news at 6pm to call bullshit

Updated by anonymous

0904255 said:
Well it looks like we will find out tommorow. I for one, am going to watch the news at 6pm to call bullshit

I'll actually be having dinner with some Christian friends, (completely unplanned, and they don't buy into this shit), so I'll know firsthand if it happens XD I'll pop out the netbook and let you all know.

Updated by anonymous

cookiekangaroo said:
I don't believe it'll happen within our lifetime, so no. it's bull.

I agree,it seems forever most religious people have been saying the world is gonna end,like in 1999,they said it would end on 2000. But that never happened. I feel it's just a way for churches to get more money.

Updated by anonymous

Axelfox said:
I agree,it seems forever most religious people have been saying the world is gonna end,like in 1999,they said it would end on 2000. But that never happened. I feel it's just a way for churches to get more money.

It's not usually mainline churches, or even smaller denominations. It's weirdass motherfuckers who go off on their own. I think the last time a main denomination bought into the end times hype was the Baptist church in the late 1800's, and it was really just one preacher. He was wrong twice and now we have the Seventh Day Adventists who followed him. The dude who's saying it'll end now predicted the world would end in 1994. Obviously it didn't. But most common denominations don't agree and don't believe such people.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
It's not usually mainline churches, or even smaller denominations. It's weirdass motherfuckers who go off on their own. I think the last time a main denomination bought into the end times hype was the Baptist church in the late 1800's, and it was really just one preacher. He was wrong twice and now we have the Seventh Day Adventists who followed him. The dude who's saying it'll end now predicted the world would end in 1994. Obviously it didn't. But most common denominations don't agree and don't believe such people.

Notice i typed "most"

Updated by anonymous

Step 1: Buy several sets of used clothes and shoes from the Salvation Army
Step 2: Purchase dry ice
Step 3: Place sets of clothes on the ground near the church before sermon tomorrow
Step 4: Put dry ice in the shoes
Step 5: Set up camera
Step 6: ???
Step 7: PROFIT!!!

Updated by anonymous

Well, the rapture just happened. Not a single person was judged to be innocent so we've all been left behind to suffer. Now we watch as the world slowly tears itself apart via mindless hedonism, bitter hatred and wanton destruction.

Oh wait, that's real life. Carry on.

Updated by anonymous

trfg7xz2oxps said:
Well, the rapture just happened. Not a single person was judged to be innocent so we've all been left behind to suffer. Now we watch as the world slowly tears itself apart via mindless hedonism, bitter hatred and wanton destruction.

Oh wait, that's real life. Carry on.

I was raptured. It was easy. All I had to do was to accept the lord, God and Jesus Christ as my savior and I was in. Would you believe heaven has free broadband internet?

Updated by anonymous

skeeter said:
I was raptured. It was easy. All I had to do was to accept the lord, God and Jesus Christ as my savior and I was in. Would you believe heaven has free broadband internet?

Meh. You can get that and more in the Big Rock Candy Mountains.

Updated by anonymous

skeeter said:
I was raptured. It was easy. All I had to do was to accept the lord, God and Jesus Christ as my savior and I was in. Would you believe heaven has free broadband internet?

I don't believe it!

Updated by anonymous

skeeter said:
I was raptured. It was easy. All I had to do was to accept the lord, God and Jesus Christ as my savior and I was in. Would you believe heaven has free broadband internet?

If it's not T3, I ain't goin.

Updated by anonymous

Axelfox said:
Notice i typed "most"

and by most he meant very few.. no wait. he didn't? He was just trying to cover his ass?

Oh wait nevermind then.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
and by most he meant very few.. no wait. he didn't? He was just trying to cover his ass?

Oh wait nevermind then.

i meant very few.

Updated by anonymous

Axelfox said:
i meant very few.

Clearly, nearly identical.

Updated by anonymous

I saw a hardware store today with a sign that said "Judgment day is coming! Know Jesus!"

Updated by anonymous

swamprootwolf said:
I saw a hardware store today with a sign that said "Judgment day is coming! Know Jesus!"

Jesus loves his power tools.

Updated by anonymous

oh no wait guys, he was wrong, both events happen october 21st.

Updated by anonymous



Also, anybody else notice that all of the Rapture days are the 21st? 21... 21... is the legal drinking age in USA! ALCOHOL BRINGS ABOUT THE RAPTURE!

Updated by anonymous

Unless the prophecy is from Nostradamus or Rasputin's penis in a jar, I won't buy into it.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
Unless the prophecy is from Nostradamus or Rasputin's penis in a jar, I won't buy into it.

Isaac newton predicted the end of the world in 2060 XD

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Isaac newton predicted the end of the world in 2060 XD

oh shit i willn still be alive by then

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Isaac newton predicted the end of the world in 2060 XD

Oh my god he did. Here I am studying Physics in uni and I didn't even know that. Amazing. I'm telling EVERYONE. We'll put up copies of the letter he made that prediction in, all around the building. Aurali, you have made my day.

Updated by anonymous

trfg7xz2oxps said:
Meh. You can get that and more in the Big Rock Candy Mountains.

yeah, i was there! passed out next to an whiskey waterfall. Next morning, there was a bulldog with rubber teeth chewing on my leg. Didnt hurt my leg though.

Updated by anonymous

Sadly, I think too many people did that for May 21st for it to work again. A real pity, as I have quite a bit of stuff that I could throw into one.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
Oh my god he did. Here I am studying Physics in uni and I didn't even know that. Amazing. I'm telling EVERYONE. We'll put up copies of the letter he made that prediction in, all around the building. Aurali, you have made my day.

Do note that he predicted that it would end in 2060 -at the earliest- and that it did not mean that it was a surety; merely an extrapolation.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Do note that he predicted that it would end in 2060 -at the earliest- and that it did not mean that it was a surety; merely an extrapolation.

Yeah, I saw that. And it amuses me that his primary reason for saying it was to quiet all the doomsayers around in 1704. lol. What a man. I got to walk nearly over his grave a few weeks ago, and it was glorious.

Updated by anonymous