Topic: Tag Alias: wifebeater -> shirt

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

123easy said:
Aliasing wifebeater -> shirt.

Reason: Type of shirt. Implication would do as well.

Implication, if anything. It's a specific type of shirt.

Updated by anonymous

*nod* Why I said an implication would be fine too, since it'd allow for more specific tagging.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, implications are better when dealing with specific styles.

Updated by anonymous

Sounds better to me than wifebeater. While I understand the shirt, I loathe the offensive name.

Updated by anonymous

That's an amusing name for a shirt...

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
wifebeater aliased to tank-top
tank-top now implies shirt

Rawr! I don't wear tank-tops, I wear wifebeaters! I'm a man and tank-top sounds girly, rawr.

I'm just kidding. I don't care if you change it or not, though I take absolutely no offense to the term "wifebeater." I know I don't beat wives, so why should I care what people call the shirt I wear?

These were all good ideas and I'm glad they happened.

Updated by anonymous

lol XD

I don't care too much about the name--but, it's a tank-top. :P

Updated by anonymous

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