Topic: Tag Alias: nuttershy and psychoshy_(mlp) -> fluttershy_(mlp)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I don't think an alias is necessary--just retagging, IF we all agree that this is a good one? I could see someone wanting to blacklist psychoshy if they found her adaquatly disturbing. the fancreatedness of the mentality doesn't matter, just the fact that it appears in several images as a theme.

Updated by anonymous

blacklisting horror/fear/nightmare_fuel would work for that purpose instead.

Updated by anonymous

yes, but what if they dont' mind otherwise>

I supose they could blacklist fluttershy_(mlp) horror,

but, jsut asking for other people's opinions :p

Updated by anonymous

Alright, since it's a distinct enough persona from fluttershy normally, alias nuttershy to psychoshy, and alias psychoshy to psychoshy_(mlp_fanfic) as it's a fan creation. Sound fair?

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Alright, since it's a distinct enough persona from fluttershy normally, alias nuttershy to psychoshy, and alias psychoshy to psychoshy_(mlp_fanfic) as it's a fan creation. Sound fair?

Quit trying to add Fanfic to things. "Fannon" is the apropriate word as most of the time its IN SHOW STUFF thats getting treatments ala psycho-mode fluttershy.

Updated by anonymous

Wiki: "Fan fiction is almost never regarded as canonical. However, certain ideas may become influential or widely accepted within fan communities, who refer to such ideas as "fanon," a portmanteau of fan and canon. The term may also be used to refer to fan fiction in general."


Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Wiki: "Fan fiction is almost never regarded as canonical. However, certain ideas may become influential or widely accepted within fan communities, who refer to such ideas as "fanon," a portmanteau of fan and canon. The term may also be used to refer to fan fiction in general."


HOWEVER! Flutter"Rage" is from the SERIES, episode 26 when fluttershy SNAPS HER SHIT, Thus, its CANNON, its only become FANNON because of the continuation of this alternate snapped persona, thus the whole (MLP_FANFIC) tag would be pointlessly contrived and blatantly Stupid.

Updated by anonymous

yes, that ONE PART is canon where she snapped, but ALL THE FUCKING CUPCAKE LIKE IMAGES AREN'T.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
yes, that ONE PART is canon where she snapped, but ALL THE FUCKING CUPCAKE LIKE IMAGES AREN'T.

Why do you get so angry whenever people disagree with you?

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Why do you get so angry whenever people disagree with you?

I get angry at stupidity, which Celestia here has been showing to me for the past while. If she used nothing but calm logical debate, I'd return the favour, as I have many times prior to this case, and am now with you.

Stupidity is about equal to religious sheep (not literal religious sheep- that one Jesus and Judas animation was hilarious!- but those who follow a religion or mouth it without actually looking into it, just blind stupid devotion) on the "what makes me rage"-o-meter.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
I get angry at stupidity, which Celestia here has been showing to me for the past while. If she used nothing but calm logical debate, I'd return the favour, as I have many times prior to this case, and am now with you.

Stupidity is about equal to religious sheep (not literal religious sheep- that one Jesus and Judas animation was hilarious!- but those who follow a religion or mouth it without actually looking into it, just blind stupid devotion) on the "what makes me rage"-o-meter.

Dude. that line that you generally don't want to cross? Your toes are getting REALLY FREAKIN' CLOSE to it.

Please continue bringing up tag debates.
Please continue to try and make e621 a better place.
Please continue to tidy up tags.
Those things are all together pretty awesome.

But you will respect other users, even if you disagree with her opinion about what's right and what's wrong.

And by respect, I mean not calling her stupid, not spazing out and bringing randomly unrelated topics to the table in all capital letters.

Additionally, insulting a whole damn religion--in a topic where religion had not even been brought up at all? not cool. Respect people, without deriding them for their faith. I don't care how much it makes you rage. Discuss it at an *appropriate* moment, and without the rage, or not at all.

Updated by anonymous


FanFIC is the word used for a work of fiction set in a television, book, or movie (or comic, etc) setting. A fanfic is often known by a title. fallout_equstria is an example of a fanfic. Cupcakes is an example of a fanfic. Luna Vs. The Microwave is an example of a fanfic.

Psychoshy is a commonly accepted nickname for what happens when Fluttershy snaps. Snapping happened in the show's cannon. It is possible it might happen again. Psychoshy is a verbal shortcut to express the idea. Psychoshy is a fan device, or fan nickname. Psychoshy is NOT the name of a fanfic, thus psychoshy_(mlp fanfic) is inappropriate as a tag because it is wrong.

cupcakes_(mlp_fanfic) is named so because cupcakes are a food item that is seen in many images and no one wants baked goods and gore mixed together in a tag. Thus, specificness was needed.

however... psychoshy is NOT fanfic.

I.. oh good god. the inkpony pony is not a fanfic. space core pony is not a fafic. zoidpony is not a fanfic.

fanfic is a story. these are illustrations.

here's something to terrify you: more of the background ponies--vinyl scratch, bon bon, lyra, have no official names. Those are fan creations as well.

Updated by anonymous What I used to determine if a pony was OC and thus fan fiction (or, shortened to fanfic) or was part of the actual universe.

Religion: Where did I insult a specific religion? I didn't. I said that jesus and judas goat animated thing was hilarious. And it is. I said I can't stand religion -itself- because it turns people into sheeple.

As for respecting other users? Yeah, I do. When they treat me with respect. She didn't (first, might I add), she didn't get any. Stop always defending MLP fandom people just because they're MLP.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said: What I used to determine if a pony was OC and thus fan fiction (or, shortened to fanfic) or was part of the actual universe.

sweetness. When I, at the tender age of 14, started exploring the internet, back in the late 90's, the first thing I found, was fanfiction. This was before fanart was prevalent, even, because pictures were so BIG. The first 'community' I was a part of... was about fanfic. Since then, fanfiction has been a part of my life in some vague form or another for almost 15 years now. Sailor Moon, Forever Knight, Harry Potter, Gundam Wing, Pern, My Little Pony, whatever my 'prefered' fandom was at the moment. I've written horrible abominations that would make people weep. And I've written some things that some people actually thought was pretty good.

So... believe me, please, when I said that you keep using that word, and I don't think it means what you think it means. c_c;

An OC is an original character someone creates. Let's say, artica_sparkle, brown_waltholf, or thirteenpawz. These characters may be a pony one has created to visually play around with the MLP style... they may not even have a history attached to them.

However, msot of the characters your'e tagging with 'fanfic' are not OC's. Drawing mario as a pony does not make him fanfic. Drawing donkey kong as a pony does not make him fanfic. POkemon-as-ponies are not fanfic. these are ponifications.

FURTHER MORE... my_little_pony -friendship_is_magic should have 2 things: old gen ponies, and SHOULD be where characters drawn in the MLP style who are not in the specific FIM show should be. However, it seems this has fallen by the wayside.

in any event.. it doesn't MATTER if OC ponies are segregated or not. artica sparkle pony doesn't need to be labled artica_sparkle_pony_(mlp_fanfic). pretty sure anyone who searched artica_sparkle would be itnerested in at least seeing the thumbnail.

So, pretty much, your'e adding redundant, pointless, tags. all canon characters have *_(mlp), all fan characters go by their names. If you really want to segregate them, add unknown_pony to the non-canon characters and let THAT serve as the OC-Pony tag, but I really don't think it's nessicary, in the same way that pinkamena is 'unneeded' as a tag.

Religion: Where did I insult a specific religion? I didn't. I said that jesus and judas goat animated thing was hilarious. And it is. I said I can't stand religion -itself- because it turns people into sheeple.

Exactly what I mean. You're painting EVERYONE who belives in 'something' with one paint brush, and calling them all 'sheeple' regardless of how they, personally, have arrived at that point.

As for respecting other users? Yeah, I do. When they treat me with respect. She didn't (first, might I add), she didn't get any. Stop always defending MLP fandom people just because they're MLP.

... So. Yeah. Here's what I see:

"hey that word you used isn't right here."
"no, really, see, this is my logic"

...regardless, you BOTH are trying to help, you both are sharing your opinions. This is BOTH a wonderful thing, and I appreciate BOTH of you. I don't know how she disrespected you, but every time *I* look, you're disrespecting her first.

And if you want to go down THAT path, you disrespected the SHIT out of me several weeks ago and despite that, *I* continue to behave and be civil. y'all can do the same thing <3

Updated by anonymous

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