Topic: Pleasure tag: It's there, but.. should it?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Reasoning: Most pictures have something to do with pleasure- due to most content here being about porn, after all- so I was wondering why we have the pleasure tag, and, if it really isn't used that much (288 tags with it or so) what is the standard? If it's just blushing/panting/looking happy, I'd say it's way too common to be a tag, and might be better off aliased to blush. If not, it needs a definition that isn't subjective that is also dissimilar enough from other tags- Or perhaps used as a metatag (to which end it'd probably be larger than sex, since there's always at least one person involved in the sex having a pleasurable time (even if it's hyper on micro. o.o).

Updated by Riversyde

I actually kind of agree with this. I would support aliasing pleasure to invalid tag. In the cases where a tag indcating a pleasurable reaction would be appropriate, another word could be found instead.. happy, or 'enjoying' or pleased or something.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, usually pleasure is shown by facial expressions, like blushing and stuff. I support this here alias too.

Updated by anonymous

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