Topic: Tag Alias: Wing Boner > Wing

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I'm... kinda torn on this one. Wing_boner's a part of the fandom.. it is defined as what happens when a pegasus starts thinking too intently about someone they care about or are attracted to, and their wings flare out uncontrollably. it's a .. cute.. part of the fandom, as seen in pictures like post #132524 or post 131067 ... and in some cases, it's poking fun at the 'habit' of artist's to draw spread out wings like that at moments for more 'motion.

on the other hand, about half of the images tagged wing_boner it's rather subjective or unclear in general.. used for surprise, or just 'spread wings in general'... and in some cases, not even that.

Updated by anonymous

I kind of like the tag for the same reason. I think we should keep the tag and just remove it from the unclear ones.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

A wing_boner would imply a wing, but it's not the same thing as just a wing. It's a wing in a specific position (fully erect vertically or nearly vertically).

Updated by anonymous

Then flared_wing or open_wing or spread_wing, perhaps? Something generic and non-subjective that can be applied outside the limited aspect of MLP alone.

Updated by anonymous

Who says wing_boner only applies to MLP characters? Why can't it be used for non-ponies getting a wing boner?

Updated by anonymous

Because by and large it's not a wing boner, but a wing flared open or spread open, and isn't a physical/emotional duality tag that's subjective in nature. If they're aroused, tag it such. If it's an open wing, tag it such. Don't tag it so that an open wing means they're aroused. That's where it's only applicable to MLP, and where it's subjective.

Updated by anonymous

Aroused would be the best one to alias to if we get rid of it--though we should only do that after we go though and get rid of some of the "false" wing_boners (which I may do in a minute)

Though I'm not sure I see the harm in having a specific tag, silly as it may be, for a particular phenomena..

this thread's only been open for 17 hours. let's get more opinions before we decide. :D

Updated by anonymous

Here's a question: Is it actually a bad thing to have a silly, unique, or odd tag? I know we don't want to bog things down with in-jokes, but I've never been a fan of the bland tagging found at places like danbooru.

Updated by anonymous

The "bland tagging" is because it's accurate and not an in-joke, something that you get without needing to have been a long-term resident of the site- Or have known that particular obscure reference. They're there to allow easy reference and searchability.

Updated by anonymous

but anyone looking for wing boner would know what a wing boner is, and anyone who doesn't know what a wing boner is wouldn't search for it. and with a quick update to the wiki, anyone who goes "what...?" can find out.

Updated by anonymous

Again though, it's a subjective and only-applicable-to-MLP tag. Keep it simple, keep the in-jokes out of the tags. There have been many, many, many injokes removed from tags before this. Keeping it just because it's MLP isn't a good enough reason. Be fair and impartial, like River is above. Remember, I actually LIKE MLP, unlike the vast majority of people who make posts about it on the forums. I just want everything equal- And no, that doesn't mean let more in-joke tags in. >_>

Seriously, if you want to remark on it being a wing boner, make a comment. That's what they're there for, after all.

Updated by anonymous

But it's an in-joke that's likely to appear in several pieces of MLP related art.. in a way, it's like a mlp meme... and isn't too different from do_not_want

I'm not horribly attached to keeping it, but just presenting all aspects. :)

Updated by anonymous

What's the rule for memes? Do not post them here. I'd say that keeping memes out of tags is just as important as keeping the pics out.

and do_not_want should be an invalid tag as well; thanks for pointing that out.

Updated by anonymous

A meme is a reference to something that has internet popularity. It's not just a stupid thing with text on it. There's about 15 Nyancat porn images ... labled meme. are they not allowed because of Nyan cat being a meme? Memes are discouraged, not forbidden.

anyway, wing_boner aside, I'm not sure we WANT to be strictly clinical. do_not_want refers not to iamges with those words on them, but a combination of characters with a horrified expression, offering rejection, or similar, or in a few circumstances, something that users go "oh god, do not want" to.. like a penis headed pony beast or something c_c

Updated by anonymous

meme (mm)
A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.
[Shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme, from Greek mimma, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate; see mimesis.]

That said, no memes is not about removing things that have to do with memes (otherwise MLP would be gone, for one) but about removing things posted just for the meme. Same with image macros.

don_not_want is a subjective tag; In the case of something like a penis headed pony beast or something, I think what_has_science_done would be applicable. For a horrified expression, fear/horrified works just fine. Otherwise (something a user doesn't like for example) it's just subjective.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
The "bland tagging" is because it's accurate and not an in-joke, something that you get without needing to have been a long-term resident of the site- Or have known that particular obscure reference. They're there to allow easy reference and searchability.

Well, I'm not proposing that we get rid of the blander tags, I'm asking if there's a reason to get rid of the interesting ones.

Updated by anonymous

If the interesting ones are not subjective or only applicable in a very small subset, I'd say it's fine.

Updated by anonymous

I'd rather if it didn't. It's rather handy for finding wing boners.

Updated by anonymous

Then at the least can it imply wings and get the addendum _(MLP) added?

Updated by anonymous

As Riversyde said, it shouldn't imply MLP since it can be applied to any creature that has a wing boner.

Updated by anonymous

and we really don't need (mlp) applied to everything that is a "mlp thing" unless there's potential for confusion: That is to say, a word that means one thing in one context, but another in regard to MLP -- cupcakes are a fine example. However, poison_joke_(mlp) does not need MLP applied after as any references to "poison_joke" are very likely to be MLP related.

The reason pony characters have MLP applied after their name is in the event that they have names that could be confusing: The name "Rarity" for example, is a word. "Spike" is a thing and the name of a large number of characters. "Trixie" is not an uncommon name. Bonbon is a food item. Snails, Caramel, etc. Since it wasn't possible to apply last names to the characters (as was done with alvin_seville, jeanette_miller and the other chipmunks/chipettes), it was 'easier' to add a show abbreviation (like was done with michelangelo_(tmnt)) to prevent potential confusion, and to keep things consistent.

wing boners can be universal :D just like horn_jobs and similar. :)

that said, wing_boner now implies wing. :D

Updated by anonymous

Wing boners and horn jobs are fandom MLP creations only. -.-

Updated by anonymous

Perhaps at the moment, but it's a broad term despite the tag's origin.

Updated by anonymous

created , yes, perhaps, but that doesn't mean they won't creade... I'm very sure someone else somewhere has drawn a character fellatating a unicorn's horn.

A new word created doesn't mean it's purpose can't be expanded.

Updated by anonymous

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