Topic: Official tag for "genderbent"?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Seriously, look at the Tags listing under *gender*. There are a ridiculous number of tags all meaning a character is gender-bent.

I originally tried tagging my latest upload Genderbent but didn't want it to be a standalone tag, tried Genderbender but it was also a standalone, so I looked through and saw Genderbend. I don't know, somehow it seems to me that saying it in past tense would be more... proper? It's the first thing I'd think to search for.

Unless the gender-bending was taking place, which would be an impossible context. A gender-bent character is simply a take on an alternatively-gendered version of the character, such as Miles_Prower and Tailsko. If a character was swapping genders in the midst of the image it would be transformation and/or transgender/transgendering.

In short: Genderbend, Genderbent, or what? I wouldn't mind going through and changing the Genderbend tags to Genderbent if a number of people agree.


Genderbent doesn't sound right. "Bent" and "bending" do not have exactly the same connotations/implications in the English language. "Bent" suggests that something is somehow "broken".
And indeed the image need not be of a pre-established character of one sex being portrayed as another (rule 63) but is likely to be a character of a particular sex in the clothing most often associated with the opposite. It is all very mucked up by the ethereal, mercurial and ultimately very subjective nature of the concept of "gender" to begin with. Most often I would imagine a "genderbender" image on e6 would be of a character who was biologically male dressing in garb traditionally associated with the "female gender". So just another tag for "crossdressing". Which for the sake of classification here I suppose is the best, as "intersex" seems to usually indicate someone who is physically a herm in furry art; regardless of emotional and psychological variances- which would be difficult to convey in a single piece of art anyway.

Also "gender bender" rhymes :3

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:

Take your pick.

based on what he's asking, I don't know if these apply, he seems to be asking about something similar to a male renamon or female tails as was his example. these are gender-swapped characters, not necessarily a crossdressing or transgender character as cross dressing/tomboy/trap/girly is a character who is merely dressed as the opposite sex, transgender is a person or character who's been medically altered to become the opposite sex. androgynous is when you can't tell if a character is male or female, this leaves only crossgender, which now that I look at it, that may apply.

Updated by anonymous

off hand without looking, I'd tag crossgender for a character who is normally a girl but is a boy today.

that said, maybe we have some cleaning up to do here. especially of some of the tags with under 10 uses.

Updated by anonymous

I would favor crossgender over genderbend, personally. crossgender seems to be the far more common tag anyways.

Updated by anonymous

Crossgender it is, then! Thanks everybody. Perhaps an alias is in order, as well?

Updated by anonymous

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