Topic: Giving new tags descriptions

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I am attempting to add two new tags to this site: "warm_colors" & "cool_colors". This simply meens the color theme of the pic is made up of warm or cool colors. warm colors are red yellow orange and pics with these give you a warm sensation when you look at them cool colors are green blue purple and give you a cool feeling when you see them. I have already tagged two pics warm_colors so if I am not making any sense you can search "warm_colors" and you will quickly understand what I am saying. I tried to edit this tag to give it a description but when I click edit it brings me to the sign in page even though I am already signed in. Even when I enter in my Username and Password it says "Access Denied". I appreciate any opinions these new tags such as what you guys think of them, if you have better names for them ect. and would also be thankful if someone could tell me why it does this when I try to give edit these tags to give them discriptions. TY

Updated by Anomynous

Do this instead.

Go to the tags' wiki pages -> warm_colors and cool_colors

Hit the "Edit" link at the top of the page. There you can write descriptions for each tag.

Your idea sounds pretty good to me. I wish I had thought of it.

Updated by anonymous

I went ahead and created short description on each wiki page. Feel free to edit them, but keep your writing as clear and objective as possible.

Updated by anonymous

thanks for the support. i didnt think this would work. i really appreciate the possitive answers.

Updated by anonymous

ps if you find a post that belongs to this tag pls tag it so it will become known becouse sometimes i am in the mood for a warm or cool pic and i am sure others get this to. thanks again!

Updated by anonymous

You can also find the wiki page by clicking on the "?" on the list, and add or modify it using "Edit" as described above. Go and document something now!

Updated by anonymous

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