Topic: What's the funniest experience you've ever had

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Believe it or not, mine was this morning. At HP's Nevada installation, we got a call from security, and the guard asked if anyone knew anything about horses. We all looked at each other like "WTF?", anyway, a horse (wild or domesticated I don't know) wandered onto the parking lot, and was just walking around the parking lot checking out the cars.

The building is pretty much in the middle of nowhere, so that may have something to do with it.

So, what's the funniest experience you've ever had? Was yours at work, or somewhere else?

Updated by Blaziken

Outside of my hilarious comments on Xbox Live, I was walking down the street to lolmart with my 1W blue laser on the 4th of July, and a passing motorist leaned out his window and yelled USE THE FORCE! On the way back, a passenger leaned out of his window and yelled I AM YOUR FATHER!

Updated by anonymous

I was at the fair with a group of drunk friends a few years back. As we were walking, I spotted a battery on the ground, so naturally I decided to kick it as hard as I could. It ended up going into the back of this guy's sandal about 15-20 yards in front of me. He freaked out and kicked his sandal off so hard it landed on top of a milk bard in front of us. I presume he had to spend the whole rest of the day walking around with only one sandal.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Outside of my hilarious comments on Xbox Live, I was walking down the street to lolmart with my 1W blue laser on the 4th of July, and a passing motorist leaned out his window and yelled USE THE FORCE! On the way back, a passenger leaned out of his window and yelled I AM YOUR FATHER!

Good one!

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I was at the fair with a group of drunk friends a few years back. As we were walking, I spotted a battery on the ground, so naturally I decided to kick it as hard as I could. It ended up going into the back of this guy's sandal about 15-20 yards in front of me. He freaked out and kicked his sandal off so hard it landed on top of a milk bard in front of us. I presume he had to spend the whole rest of the day walking around with only one sandal.

Damn good kick.

Updated by anonymous

So, I'm wearing those sparkling blind bag ponies (I made them into keychains, more or less) on my belt loops, in a mall, wandering around when I hear from behind, "nice ponies, homo". I turn around and look at these, for lack of a better term, A&F mannequins all smiling like they got me now. I walk up to them and ask them rather calmly, "So, wearing these makes me gay, eh?"

He goes, "Yeah."

And, in the most over the top way, I reply "Oh, thank god! I thought they made me a faggot!" and then just walked away.

Updated by anonymous

I wasn't looking at the time but....

at one time me and my mom went to universle studios and right before this parade was coming a guy who was drunk tripped and nearly fell flat on his face trying to look up a skirt of a girl wearing a costume,my mom an elderly couple and 4 other people were cracking up.

and a couple of weeks before that one of my friends from my high school that I graduated from got caught on camera scratching his nuts under the table,

and a week before that these kids who go to my high school that don't get along to well(one of them is a kid who goes around picking fights with everyone and gets the crap beaten out of him everytime and onother one is crazy person who thinks hes funny thats all kinds of crazy things that I don't know how to explain)
the two were in the school library and were at it agin with each other one says yo D*&^Kweed shut the F*&*K up(I can't remember to much from this little fight)but the the other says somthing to the other one that got that one pissed off to loudly(the library was quite at time it's usually livly and louder then this and the to were at a surprisingly silent fight)enough for everyone one in the library to hear(including the school librarian) go F*(*&K yourself everyone who heard that was cracking up exept for the librarian of course some kid who was on a computer right next to me said the was random who siad that? I told him it was the kid right there in the gray hoody(that wanna be tough guy I mention earlyer who gets beat up everytime.

Updated by anonymous

...and then I said "Oatmeal?! are you CRAZY?"

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
...and then I said "Oatmeal?! are you CRAZY?"

I lol'd fairly hard.

One day when I lived in Michigan I was in the back bed of my friend's truck because the front seats were taken. I was holding onto the roll-bar thing in the back with my trenchcoat on, and the thing was flapping like hell behind me. On a back dirt road this guy pulled up beside us and started blaring the Batman theme song. I never laughed so hard before.

Updated by anonymous

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