Topic: Aliasing My Little Pony

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

As I've just finished cleaning up the redundant tags mess with a good number of characters I'd like it to stay cleaned up.
Duplicate tags such as applejack and applejack_(mlp) are messy and cause a great many wonderful posts to go by the wayside.

I've cleaned it up but as I've no power and little idea as to how I would go about applying aliases I would appreciate it very much if an Admin could add the following EXTRA aliases as I have already notice several already in use.

"correct tag"---"aliases"

"cutie_mark_crusaders_(mlp)"---"cutie_mark_crusader", "cutie_mark_crusaders"
"derpy_hooves_(mlp)---"derpy_hooves", "ditzy_doo", "ditzy_doo_(mlp)"
"diamond_dogs_(mlp)"---"diamond_dog", "diamond_dogs", "diamond_dog_(mlp)"
"discord_(mlp)"---"discord" *
"dinky_hooves_(mlp)"---"dinky_doo", "dinky_hooves"
"doctor_whoof_(mlp)"---"doctor_hoof", "doctor_hoof_(mlp)", "doctor_hooves", "doctor_hooves_(mlp)", "doctor_whoof", "doctor_whooves", "doctor_whooves_(mlp)" **
"parasprite_(mlp)"---"parasprite", "parasprites", "parasprites_(mlp)"
"scootaloo_mlp"---"scootaloo" ***
"sweetie_belle_(mlp)"---"sweetiebelle", "sweetiebelle_(mlp)", "sweetie_belle"

*On the off chance of dealing with the goddess, her name "eris" should be used. Or in the case of the apple, "apple_of_discord" should suffice.

**Doctor Whoof has several spellings but all are the same character, making the others redundant and confusing.

***Please, do not alias as 'chicken'.

As my memory is far from perfect I asking for others to read and search for any I may have missed. In the case of some like "trixie" and "bonbon" there are other characters by that name already in the archive and thus is too ambiguous to create an alias-please check any terms you may wish to add by searching before suggesting it.

There are also several issues that need to be considered. In the case of angel bunny, as with the other pets he should be named using the _(mlp) convention. He like others cannot be aliased because of connections the word has beyond this show.
This includes:"angel_(mlp)", "gummy_(mlp), "speedy_(mlp)", and "spike_(mlp)" not that Spike's a pet mind you.

In the case of items appearing in a cutie mark please note them as such.
Pinkie pie has a balloon cutie mark AND is being held up by balloons.
Both the "balloon_cutie_mark" tag and the "balloons" tag are valid.
If applejack was in her place, the "apple_cutie_mark" tag would be correct but the "apple" tag would not unless an apple were present.

There is a question about "pinkamena_(mlp)". If she is in her dark or otherwise broken state, this tag applies. It does NOT apply if her hair is just wet. Pinkamena is a state of mind in this case so any an tagger should pay careful attention to her mood at the time.

Any remaining problems are so insignificant as to not matter and/or I'm unsure as to how to proceed or unaware of them entirely.

Thanks to all.

Cutie marks I will now consider a grey area. Should the tag be "cutie_mark"? with an extra tag for the item depicted OR separate tabs for cutie marks type and item depicted, or other?
Open to suggestions but would prefer a mod to make the final decision.

Updated by Riversyde

That's showing they shoud be aliased to the _(mlp) tag right? Then I say go for it, but for one thing; the specific cutie marks- No. Applejack should get apple and cutie_mark, not both mixed into one.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
That's showing they shoud be aliased to the _(mlp) tag right? Then I say go for it, but for one thing; the specific cutie marks- No. Applejack should get apple and cutie_mark, not both mixed into one.

slyroon said:
How about aliasing these*_cutie_mark&type=&order=count&commit=Search to just cutie_mark it just unnecessary specific

So long as the apple is present I agree-no actual apple - no apple tag

Though I kinda agree with slyroon.
Eliminate the individual tags all together for cutiemark types as theyre very numerous and waried and on the whole redundant. I'm not sure though.
An actual mod should make that decision because that one is more of a grey area I think.
Note: After further consideration I agree with slyroon but I would prefer to have an actual mod comment before I do something. My previous spree was cleaning up an OBVIOUS redundancy. This is still to grey to do anything.

Updated by anonymous

"cutie_mark" tag to indicate a cutie mark. And there doesn't need to be an apple in the image- Otherwise I could eat it. The image of an apple in the image is sufficient to have it tagged apple. It's STILL an apple, even if it is in a cutie mark.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
"cutie_mark" tag to indicate a cutie mark. And there doesn't need to be an apple in the image- Otherwise I could eat it. The image of an apple in the image is sufficient to have it tagged apple. It's STILL an apple, even if it is in a cutie mark.

Yeah, I agree with this post. If there was a tattoo of a fox on a person's arm, you'd tag fox.

Updated by anonymous

So are we aliasing the mlp character names to the _(mlp) qualifier, or the other way around?

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
So are we aliasing the mlp character names to the _(mlp) qualifier, or the other way around?

We're aliasing to the _(mlp) qualifier.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
We're aliasing to the _(mlp) qualifier.

Good, I prefer that. And should we put future MLP character aliases in this thread, or make a new one later on?

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Good, I prefer that. And should we put future MLP character aliases in this thread, or make a new one later on?

I dunno, do what you want.

Updated by anonymous

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