Topic: de-alias blue(etc)_fur -> blue(etc)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

When you tag something [color]_fur it only adds [color], which doesn't make much sense to me. If nothing else, can we at least change it to an implication? If I'm searching for critters with blue fur, I'm not gonna want to see absolutely everything that has a blue tag, know what I mean?

Updated by Riversyde

Why is blue (or any other colour, for that matter) even a tag? It's way too ambiguous.

Updated by anonymous

Removed all the *_fur aliases, cleaning up the colour tags would be much appreciated.
Some other questions... why would you only search for characters with blue fur? Would tagging colour fur apply to characters who usually have coloured fur, but have not been coloured in yet?

Updated by anonymous

I dunno, it was a hypothetical scenario. Say you're looking for an image you saw once and the only thing you remember was that it was a character with red fur, having tags like red_fur would help facilitate finding it. If you just searched red, then you'd have to wade through over 2000 images, many of which are like post #166267 and post #165562.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Removed all the *_fur aliases, cleaning up the colour tags would be much appreciated.
Some other questions... why would you only search for characters with blue fur? Would tagging colour fur apply to characters who usually have coloured fur, but have not been coloured in yet?

No, that's like tagging "dickgirl" on an image of a character that is normally a dickgirl, but where you can only see tits.

ippiki_ookami said:
I dunno, it was a hypothetical scenario. Say you're looking for an image you saw once and the only thing you remember was that it was a character with red fur, having tags like red_fur would help facilitate finding it. If you just searched red, then you'd have to wade through over 2000 images, many of which are like post #166267 and post #165562.

There's a pretty reasonable reason. But sometimes I'm just in the mood for a black cat, or a blue 13-paws. I don't think it's a bad idea to have fur colors as tags.

Updated by anonymous

I think some color tags are kinda useful just in case you're searching for a specific image and happen to remember parts of the color scheme that stuck out. For example tags like green_nipples, blue_pussy, pink_nose, black_penis etc.

But on the other side I think that basic colors as tags like blue, red and black are too nondescript and vague. I mean, should we tag every color that's present in the image or just the dominant ones?

Updated by anonymous

queue said:
But on the other side I think that basic colors as tags like blue, red and black are too nondescript and vague. I mean, should we tag every color that's present in the image or just the dominant ones?

Tag things that are that colour. If a character is mostly blue, don't just tag blue. Tag what IS blue. Like blue_fur/blue_eyes/blue_wings.

Updated by anonymous

The fur colors are really troubling. The thing is that people seem to feel inclined to label EVERY color on a character's fur. Krystal images with "white_fur" for the markings and tail tip. Zig Zag having Black_Fur despite the fact that her coat is primarily white...

You would not believe how much hell I've had just looking for "Black_fur female solo" . I saw every color of the rainbow and then some, and never once saw a solid-black character.

Updated by anonymous

Percy101 said:
The fur colors are really troubling. The thing is that people seem to feel inclined to label EVERY color on a character's fur. Krystal images with "white_fur" for the markings and tail tip. Zig Zag having Black_Fur despite the fact that her coat is primarily white...

Of course. Overzealous tagging like this would screw up searches. I can see many arguments over how much of a character's body has to be covered in a certain colour fur to qualify for the tag.

Honestly, if you can't find something on here, and it wasn't deleted, it's your fault for not favoriting it in the first place. I couldn't see a characters fur being their most rememberable aspect, unless it was really out there.

And what about furless creatures, like scalies? Do they get left out of this? Cause dass raysis.

Updated by anonymous

Zig-zag should be White_Fur, Black_Markings or some such. Primary coat colour should be the one marked, with a markings tag for the secondary colours.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
Primary coat colour should be the one marked, with a markings tag for the secondary colours.

What about zebras?

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
What about zebras?

Multicolored_fur? Multiple_colors? Black_and_white? Piebald?

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
Multicolored_fur? Multiple_colors? Black_and_white? Piebald?

I mean, would you tag black_fur, white_fur or both?

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
I mean, would you tag black_fur, white_fur or both?

I was figuring to just use black_and_white. S'what I'd do in the situation.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
I was figuring to just use black_and_white. S'what I'd do in the situation.

But black_and_white refers to images that are black and white, not things.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
But black_and_white refers to images that are black and white, not things.

Well don't I feel foolish.

Uh, multiple_colors then? I don't know. Don't look at me.

Updated by anonymous

I tagged green_fur on post #166524. Presumably the female would count for purple/blue. I say tag the primary fur color (only when it is clear there is one). Orange tigers w/ some black and white would probably be tagged orange_fur only. Something with about a 50/50 split like zebras get black_fur, white_fur, stripes. Multicolored_fur for a diverse mix, rainbow_fur if it's a rainbow pattern. Anything that can't be intuitively classified just doesn't get tagged.

post #166554 white and grey
post #166519 white and black
post #166417 white and orange
post #166363 white, grey, orange, black
post #166512 orange and white (+stripes) ?

There are number of solutions, each with potential problems.

1. Don't tag fur color -> harder for some to find images on the basis of color.
2. Tag a maximum of 1 color per character in an image -> many edge cases might get missed, some can search and locate images with very explicitly colored fur (similar to green_theme)
3. Tag up to two colors (a lot of characters will have a white belly or something) -> what constitutes "enough"?
4. Tag every color imaginable -> searching for individual colors loses meaning. Also the low # of searchable tags make it impossible to do a long subtractive search to find a solid green fur or w/e.
5. Tag solid_red, solid_green, solid_white_fur, etc. -> Too many tags? Something like this conveys more information in a single tag but contributes to tag clutter (see: forum #24791).

Regardless of how it's done, for scalies and humanoids just replace *fur with *skin.

Riversyde said:
Honestly, if you can't find something on here, and it wasn't deleted, it's your fault for not favoriting it in the first place.

This is probably true, but in the long run it's good to have more information about images as long as it's both accurate (true) and precise (standardized).

Updated by anonymous

My solution would personally be a mixture of:

3. Tag up to two colors (a lot of characters will have a white belly or something) -> what constitutes "enough"?


5. Tag solid_red, solid_green, solid_white_fur, etc. -> Too many tags? Something like this conveys more information in a single tag but contributes to tag clutter (see: forum #24791).

There might be a lot of tags, but it wouldn't be so much of a cluttered system, as it would be a strong aid in searches while covering a broad spectrum.

The idea for the two-color tag (#3) would be to tag the Primary Color and Countershading Color for a character, regardless of any other colors of the character's fur. As such, a character that's green with black countershading fur on their belly would be labeled as green_fur and black_fur. Then, a character that's solid black would be solid_black_fur (or Solid_black, whichever is preferred). There would doubtlessly be more tags, especially considering that we'd probably end up having to include *_skin, *_scales, and *_feathers, but it would definitely help to pinpoint searches by color and open up a broad range of potential tag combinations in a search.

Updated by anonymous

This is getting a bit silly. I'm just gonna tag solid colored fur like green_fur etc. If you guys want to go crazy with multiple colored fur and whatnot, have at it, but that wasn't the intended purpose of this thread.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
This is getting a bit silly. I'm just gonna tag solid colored fur like green_fur etc. If you guys want to go crazy with multiple colored fur and whatnot, have at it, but that wasn't the intended purpose of this thread.

Aye. I'll go a step further and tag character's with fur of primarily one color as maincolor_fur. But yeah, let's keep it simple.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Why is blue (or any other colour, for that matter) even a tag? It's way too ambiguous.

Does this mean we should delete them. If so i suggest to allias the colour tags to invalid_tag to avoid further use of these highly ambiguous tags

Updated by anonymous

slyroon said:
Does this mean we should delete them. If so i suggest to allias the colour tags to invalid_tag to avoid further use of these highly ambiguous tags

Can't alias them. The posts with a colour tagged need to have that tag changed to what is that colour in the image. That can't be fixed with an alias.

Updated by anonymous

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