Topic: alias doe -> deer & demoness -> demon

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Wouldn't it make more sense to implicate demoness -> demon / female and remove it whenever it pops up? This may not seem like the ideal way, but it is for, to quote Aurali, "stupid users".

Updated by anonymous

There is a problem with that. Let's say you want to view ONLY female demons-you hve to sort through all the images with non-demon females that have female in the image. It's one major problem with searching well tagged items. You end up with too many of the wrong thing.

Honestly there needs to be a way to index individual character genders

dragon_ig - (inditerminate gender)

Those are simple enough. The only problem is retconning the entire archive. I could see a way to do it but you would need high level access to do it efficiently-2 to 3 days max it could be done-if I'm imagining a realistic setup.

Updated by anonymous

BronyofTroy said:

I don't see why just searching female demon or female demon solo wouldn't work.

Updated by anonymous

Or "demon -male" if you want to include pictures of multiple female demons.

Updated by anonymous

He's referring to situations in which you specifically want to search for females/males of a specific species and don't care who else is in it. Searching "female species" fills in a lot of pictures where there is a male of the species you are looking for, and a female of another.

Conversely, Searching "species -male" excludes pictures that -do- have the species/gender combination you are looking for if there is anyone male in the image.

Updated by anonymous

SO spend an extra minute and mentally filter out the images with male demons. It's not THAT hard.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
SO spend an extra minute and mentally filter out the images with male demons. It's not THAT hard.

But that requires brain power, which clearly puts it out of reach for OP.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
But that requires brain power, which clearly puts it out of reach for OP.


Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
SO spend an extra minute and mentally filter out the images with male demons. It's not THAT hard.

You're essentially saying the same thing as "We don't need a Tiger tag; just use Feline and mentally filter out the images that contain lions, panthers, and leopards."

Riversyde said:
But that requires brain power, which clearly puts it out of reach for OP.

Efficient =/= Stupid. Quite the opposite, in fact. NOT trying to think of ways to make searches faster is more lazy than going through the effort of improving the tag system so that everyone's searches become faster in the future.

Updated by anonymous