Topic: what's this toys name?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

As I already asked in this post #165521 , this kind of 'ride that cock' - saddle should be an tag.
Sadly, I have no idea how that thing's called (if it even got a name).
So, if you now the name let us know, and if it's not already a tag, I suggest "cock-saddle" :I .

Updated by KloH0und

Looks like a normal saddle. It's probably just your horrible furfag condition acting up again.

Updated by anonymous

okay, apparently it's this: dick_saddle
and Riverside, I'm neither a furfag, nor do I have an overstretched imagination. Why being so rude?

Updated by anonymous

So, wait.

A normal saddle needs a special 'dick_saddle'? What the fuck. Just tag it 'saddle', is this so difficult? Quit inserting fetishes and sexualization where there are none.

Updated by anonymous

There is no sexual functionality inherent to the saddle in the original post. You might be referring to the saddle's horn, which was used to anchor cattle to a herder's horse, rather than as a penetrative sex toy. It's also lacking the hole in the seat that marks it as a sex toy; you're probably mistaking the divot below the horn for a hole, but you can't see the character's pants through it. This is why it is simply tagged saddle, and not toy.

The saddles in your second post are obviously designed as a sex toy, which is why they are tagged differently.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
So, wait.

A normal saddle needs a special 'dick_saddle'? What the fuck. Just tag it 'saddle', is this so difficult? Quit inserting fetishes and sexualization where there are none.

the tag apparently existed for a long time.

KloH0und said:
There is no sexual functionality inherent to the saddle in the original post. You're probably referring to the saddle's horn, which was used to anchor cattle to a herder's horse, rather than as a penetrative sex toy. This is why it is simply tagged saddle, and not toy.

The saddles in your second post are obviously designed as a sex toy, which is why they are tagged differently.

I have to admit, it doesn't reflect kindly upon your maturity or sexual restraint when you immediately associate sex with anything remotely phallic-looking.

Just sayin'.

I was not referring to the horn, but to what I thought was a hole in the middle of the saddle. that reminded me of post #107617 , so I just needed help to remind me of the name. Don't instantly put me in a category I do not belong.
Just saying'

Updated by anonymous

frylop said:
the tag apparently existed for a long time.

But it still doesn't fit.

frylop said:
Don't instantly put me in a category I do not belong.

Except that you instantly decided a normal saddle was a sex toy, which basically shines very poorly on your maturity.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
There is no sexual functionality inherent to the saddle in the original post. You might be referring to the saddle's horn, which was used to anchor cattle to a herder's horse, rather than as a penetrative sex toy. It's also lacking the hole in the seat that marks it as a sex toy; you're probably mistaking the divot below the horn for a hole, but you can't see the character's pants through it. This is why it is simply tagged saddle, and not toy.

The saddles in your second post are obviously designed as a sex toy, which is why they are tagged differently.

I'm happy you changed your post again. You are right. if it was a hole, you could see the pants.

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
But it still doesn't fit.

Except that you instantly decided a normal saddle was a sex toy, which basically shines very poorly on your maturity.

I did not 'instantly decide' , I misinterpreted a picture, and wanted to ask a simple question referring to an tag. btw, KloH0und thankfully changed his/her post

Updated by anonymous

frylop said:
I'm happy you changed your post again. You are right. if it was a hole, you could see the pants.

Sorry, I was being a dick before. After I read your comment on the actual post I figured out what you were talking about.

Updated by anonymous

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