Topic: pony =/= horse

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I hate when all my little pony pictures is automaticly tagged as "horse" when i am searching for horses, i get half empty pages because i have blacklisted "friendship is magic". Ponies are NOT horses. Could someone plz do something? Its annoying!

Updated by ippiki ookami

Pony = young/little horse. Problem solved.

Actually, is the pony tag even necessary? Seems it was just made popular by all the MLP shoved on here. It could be replaced by horse or foal.

Updated by anonymous

Well the pony wiki says "A pony is a member of any breed of horses which are small as adults." And as far as I know, foal is only for younglings.

Updated by anonymous

there is horse breeds and there is pony breeds. Horse breed are not called ponys or pony breeds are not called horses. So what makes pony same thing as horse?

Updated by anonymous

Delete pony → horse
Add pony → equine
Search pony+solo+horse, remove all horse
Search pony+horse, remove horse as needed

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
there is horse breeds and there is pony breeds. Horse breed are not called ponys or pony breeds are not called horses. So what makes pony same thing as horse?

I guess people here just like the convenience of not having to diferentiate ponies from horses. But the wiki does say that ponies are small breeds of horses, so technically, pony should imply horse but not vice-versa. Personally, i'd rather have them seperate and have both imply equine.

Requesting an alias for pony -> equine.

Updated by anonymous

-1 for pony > equine. Ponies are horses, period- they all belong to the subspecies Equus ferus caballus, the same as any other horse. They are simply a specific type of horses- For example, the Shetland Pony is a very good example as it is incredibly small and stocky, measuring anywhere from ~28 to 42 inches in height at the withers, with stumpy legs- Often their head doesn't even reach the height of a typical adult male's shoulder. It is this general configuration of stocky powerful body and lack of height that denotes a pony over a regular horse- They are a specific set, naturally similar to draft horses in that they are very strong and sturdy.

Also, a foal (otherwise gender separated into colt and filly like stallion and mare for their adult counterparts (And we're ignoring the geldings in this!)) is just a young horse, ranging in age from birth to a year old, after which it is merely known as a yearling (colt and filly still often apply).

As such, ponies should imply horse, horse should not imply pony, and both should imply equine as already occurs. Ponies are sufficiently differentiated from regular horses that pedigree programs exist separate from each other. I feel that indicates enough of a difference to continue to utilize the pony tag for description.

Updated by anonymous

I can see the desire for removing pony > horse implication and adding a pony > equine implication instead, but I'm kind of on the fence about it. They're the same animal, just one's a bit smaller than the other.

Updated by anonymous

ponies are not just smaller horses, they have bit diffrent anathomy... falabellas are not ponies, they are horses. but they are smaller than most of pony breeds, they are horses because their horse like anathomy.

Updated by anonymous

Well... ponies are not horses. Technically.
But! The reason for the implication was to not inconvenience users who don't know the difference when searching. To do so would be counterproductive.
Implications are not there to be scientifically/genetically correct. They are for ease of browsing our galleries. If we wanted a scientifically correct tagging system, canine would be canis instead.

If you have a problem with MLPonies showing up in your search, addend -mlp to your search. If it's ponies in general, -pony. Or use your blacklist.

Updated by anonymous

No, technically ponies ARE horses. Did you just ignore my explanation? They're both equus ferus caballus, in other words same genus, species, and subspecies (And of course same family, subfamily, etc. etc). The only difference is in the physiology and usage- If a pony-sized and -stock horse is primarily used for horse-related usage in a community, it's often called a horse even if it qualifies for pony status, and which horses qualify as ponies and are referred to as ponies is specifically a major issue in the equestrian community- Some pony-sized horses for example are the Icelandic Horse and Fjord Horse, while the Morgan Horse, American Quarter Horse and the Arabian Horse are classified as horses regardless of size, and have some members falling into the pony size classification and others into the horse size classification.

In other words, it's like how some humans are shorter and stockier built than others- They're commonly called (be it derogative or not) midgets, dwarves, munchkins, little people, and other descriptive names- but they are still genetically, physically, and irrefutably human.

Updated by anonymous

I'm with 123. Ponies = horses = ponies. This has been established before which is why the implication/alias/whatever was made in the first place.

Updated by anonymous

Bah. You're right, 123. I just made my judgement from the wikipedia page for horse. Forgot to check the page for pony.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
when i am searching for horses, i get half empty pages because i have blacklisted "friendship is magic".

so what is problem

Updated by anonymous

...What. Stop being a stupid git and blacklist friendship_is_magic instead of pony then. Ponies are legitimate horses, and just because you want to throw a snit fit because you are dumb and using the blacklist in a dumb way doesn't mean it should be changed to suit you.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
...What. Stop being a stupid git and blacklist friendship_is_magic instead of pony then. Ponies are legitimate horses, and just because you want to throw a snit fit because you are dumb and using the blacklist in a dumb way doesn't mean it should be changed to suit you.

This is just a hunch, but I think they already have. How do you think they got so many results hidden?

And, to my dear crybaby OP: please add -mlp to your search to not unpleasant experience. LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO. Ugh.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
Ohhh nooo, something in life is annoying, ohhhhh nooooo......

Ponies are an excuse to whine about anything, as we've seen.

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
I want FULL pages! Its ANNOYING to try browse horse pics when tere is 10-20 pics per page!

so basically you are mad because the blacklist works

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
I want FULL pages! Its ANNOYING to try browse horse pics when tere is 10-20 pics per page! If ponys were not tagged as horses, this problem would not exist!

I disagree. This problem would still exist were ponies tagged as kumquats, glockenspiels, or not at all. To my (admittedly untrained neophyte) eye, your issue is more with how the blacklist lays out pages after stripping out the images you don't want to see. Your problem would still exist, albeit with different blacklist terms, were pony de-implicated from horse.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
This is just a hunch, but I think they already have. How do you think they got so many results hidden?

And, to my dear crybaby OP: please add -mlp to your search to not unpleasant experience. LIKE I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO. Ugh.

Actually no. I was only able to duplicate that page by blacklisting ponies specifically as well. If they're going to be stupid enough to block ponies when they're a legit horse, rather than just the specific types of ponies (MLP) that they don't want to see... Well, their problem.

I do agree with the OP that having images not fill a page if there's hidden images is a bit annoying though.

Updated by anonymous

We're not removing ponies from the implication to horse. Ponies are a subspecies of horse, which all falls under the Equine family. Deal with it.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
We're not removing ponies from the implication to horse. Ponies are a subspecies of horse, which all falls under the Equine family. Deal with it.

Actually, that's incorrect. They are the same species and even subspecies as horses, as I have illustrated SEVERAL TIMES ALREADY. Please, for the love of god, read the whole thread before responding, people. -.-;

Updated by anonymous

Ponies are more accurately a set of breeds of horses, much along the same lines as hounds are a set of breeds of dogs (in particular, the floppy-eared ones rather than those with erect ears). Hounds aren't separate species or subspecies of domestic dogs, despite the wide variations in appearance and body structure, and neither are ponies of horses.

Updated by anonymous

YMMD? I think you mean YMMV. And no, it's NOT incorrect. Ponies are horses. period. Trying to imply elsewise is what is incorrect. If he doesn't want to see MLP, he can blacklist it specifically (my_little_pony) when searching for horses, rather than blacklisting ponies, as has been already mentioned repeatedly. Ponies are a type of horse verifiably different from a regul;ar horse in certain ways that make them definable separately, as in the hounds example given by Clawstripe- though it's more complex than simply a difference in breed, as I illustrated above and many sites and books and the like will corroborate.

Updated by anonymous

People searching for ponies generally are going to want to see horses. Whether or not they are the same species is irrelevant, since it's tags we're dealing with here, not intricate genetic categorization. The mods were pretty clear about not removing the implication, and OP has been informed on how to fix his problem. Not sure why this is still being discussed.

Updated by anonymous

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